World War I
American Homefront
Roaring 20's
Leading to Great Depression

The Spanish American War was caused by Spain putting people from _________ in concentration camps. 

What is Cuba?


Germans use of _____________ submarine warfare led to the United States entering WWI

What is unrestricted?


This means limiting your use/consumption of materials such as food, in order to preserve supplies for soldiers. 

What is rationing?


These devices were purchased at high rates after WWI; they allowed for people to listen to professional sports, music, etc., all from the comfort of their home. 

What are radios?


One major cause of the Great Depression was everyone was putting their products on ______. This meant that they were charging it to an account to be paid later on. 

What is credit?


The United States received the following territories from ____(country)______ after the war: Samoan Islands, Philippines, Guam, Wake Island, Puerto Rico

What is Spain?


The United States created _____________, got France and Italy to join it, and then did not join it themselves. 

What is the League of Nations?


This was a loan from the people to the American government; people would buy them to support the war effort. 

What are war bonds?


This revival of black culture included literary and artistic expression; it was sparked by the Great Migration, and allowed for black Americans to express that they still feel like 'second class citizens'

What is the Harlem Renaissance? 


A large problem leading up to the Great Depression was Income ________; there was a large gap between those who had money and those who did not. 

What is Income Disparity?


This was the rallying cry that people said in response to the "Spanish" sinking the USS Maine. 

What is 'Remember the Maine! To Hell With Spain!'


When the United States intercepted the Zimmerman Telegram, they found that Germany had written to Mexico asking for a deal, and the deal included 2 key ideas. What were they?

1. Mexico allies with Germany, and lets Germany invade USA through Mexico

2. After the war, Germany will give Mexico the land it lost from USA in Mexican-American War. 


This cause of WWI means stronger countries expanding their influence on weaker countries, either through diplomacy or military force. 

What is Imperialism?


_____________ is the term referring to the mass purchasing of products across the United States. They were buying everything from radios, to cars, to fridges. 

What is Consumerism?


This word means a decrease in the purchasing power of money; AKA - everything costs more!

What is inflation?


After the Spanish-American War, Cuba wanted to create their own constitution. The U.S. agreed, as long as they added the ______ Amendment to their Constitution. 

What is Platt Amendment?


The Treaty of Versailles ended WWI. What 3 points did it include for Germany?

1. Germany takes full blame for the war

2. Germany must pay 33 billion to the Allied Powers

3. Germany lost land, and had to return colonies to France. 


This form of biased information was used during the war. It was often used on Posters, and was known to be very Pro-American and Anti-German. 

What is Propaganda?

________ led to changing roles for women; these women smoke, drank, spoke on women's rights, and showed their ankles!

What are Flappers?


This term means when the government is 'Hands off' when it comes to the economy. 

What is Laissez-Faire Capitalism?


This is the term for when journalists/writers exaggerated the truth in their papers (often to make the Spanish look bad)

What is Yellow Journalism?


These were the main causes of World War I. 

What is Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism?


This American Act was passed during WWI, and it violated Americans' 1st Amendment rights. If people spoke out about the war, then they could be jailed or considered a spy. 

What is the Espionage and Sedition Acts?


____________ is a word referring to the belief in following the literal translation of the Bible; sparked clashes against those who believed in the Theory of Evolution

What is Fundamentalism?


__________ Plans were plans that allowed people to pay for products over time. 

What are Installment Plans?
