Guilt, Anger, Frustration, Grief, Fear, & Anxiety
What is family feelings after admitting a relative
To move a resident to another area of facility due to a change in condition
What is In-house transfer
List the types of scales
What is bathroom, upright, chair, bed & platform scale.
Name 2 types of oxygen containers
Oxygen cylinder/tank and central oxygen system
After a resident passes what should be done.
What is make the body presentable for the family
Unsafe, Lonely, Abandoned, Insecure, Confused, Frightened, Angry
What is residents feelings
A resident leaves the currant facility to go somewhere else or has died.
What is discharge
Resident should be in supine position laying flat
What is measuring height in bed
What should a resident not be doing when connected to an oxygen take.
What is smoking
Name two aspects used on a dying resident
What is listening & touch
Name the 4 responsibilities of a CNA for preparing a room
What is made bed, clean room, personal supplies available, water by bedside.
Name the 3 responsibilities of a CNA during a transfer.
What is Reinforce nurses explanation for the reason of change, explain to the resident the transfer is necessary, assist the resident int packing their things
The best time to weigh a resident
What is in the morning before they have eaten or drank anything
When a oxygen tank is low what should a CNA do.
What is report it to the charge nurse
Name five stages of grieving
What is denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance
What are some actions you can receive from a newly admitted resident
What is uncooperative & grouchiness
What is a CNA responsibility in the hospital discharge
What is making sure residents information is being sent to the next facility
Compare weight to previous record
What is reporting and recording weight
Name two ways to administer oxygen.
What is Nasal cannula & mask
Define cheyne-stokes
What is a pattern of breathing in which the respirations increase in rate and then become shallow and slow
What are some things newly admitted residents may have to have given up when put into a nursing home
What is pets, independence, and life long possessions
What are you explaining to the resident when explaining their transfer
What is explaining why the transfer is necessary for them to receive the best care possble
How many feet is 76 inches
What is 6.3 feet
What is the most common oxygen tank.
What is E-tank
What is the final sense to go after death
What is hearing