Where did the Industrial Revolution happen first?
Great Britain (United Kingdom)
What is urbanization?
When people move from rural (country) to cities.
Name the 3 economic philosophies of the Industrial Revolution.
Capitalism, Socialism, Communism
What is nationalism?
The belief that people who share a common language, culture, or history should have their own nation.
What is unification?
Enlightenment ideas and Nationalism helped unify people who felt they shared a common ancestry and culture to come together.
Nergers of politically divided but culturally similar lands.
What is the name of the first mechanized agricultural machine?
Seed Drill
What was one consequence of rapid urbanization?
Answers: Crime rates rise, bad living conditions (tenements), pollution, temperance movement
Who created capitalism and what was their book called?
Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations
What social group were the ones to start revolutions?
Who was the revolutionary associated with Italian unification?
Guiseppe Garabaldi
What is the name of Japanese industrialization?
Meiji Restoration
What were working conditions like for factory workers?
Long hours, dangerous conditions, low pay
Who created socialism and what was their belief of the government's role in the economy?
Robert Owen, government should help workers.
Describe who Toussaint L'Ouverture was AND his role.
Haitian freed slave, he led the Haitian Revolution, he helped abolish slavery.
What did nationalists like Garibaldi and Bismarck use to help unite their nations?
What is a difference between the cottage system and the factory system?
Some answers: Cottage system is less mechanized than factories, less people than factories, more laid back than factories, etc.
Name 2 things that women fought for during the industrial era.
Suffrage (right to vote), same rights and opportunities as men, property rights, education.
What did Karl Marx (Communism) believe needed to happen in order for there to be a classless society?
Revolution of the workers against the elite class.
Name 2 Enlightenment ideas.
Natural rights (life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, property), equality, separation of powers.
What was Manifest Destiny?
The belief that Americans had the God given right to expand west to the rest of the continent.
What was a difference in energy sources between the first and second industrial revolution?
1st - steam engine
2nd - oil, combustion engine
What did labor reforms accomplish for factory workers? (Name 2 things)
Better working conditions, negotiate better wages, factory acts (working hours, reducing child labor, improving safety standards).
DOUBLE JEOPARDY: Which 2 economic philosophies are the most similar? Which are the most different? WHY?
Similar: Socialism & Communism - have some sort of government control of the economy.
Different: Capitalism & Communism - Capitalism believes people should control the economy not the government and communism believes the opposite.
Name 2 things the Latin American revolutions were inspired by.
Enlightenment ideas, nationalism, the casta system, social inequalities, abolish slavery, gain independence from European colonizer (France, Spain, Portugal).
What were the 3 Reconstruction amendments and describe what each of them did?
13th - abolished slavery.
14th - gave citizenship to all born in the US and naturalized (including African Americans)
15hth - gave all citizen men the right to vote. (including African Americans)