Personality Disorders
Mental Disorders
Neurodevelopmental and dissociative Disorders
Social Thinking
Social Influence

Ever since Rose has been called Megan Fox she has acted entitled and like she deserves all the respect in the world. Whenever she goes places she thinks everyone is staring at her and asks people if they want her signature. Rose is exhibiting this type of personality disorder

What is narcissistic disorder


Lil Mello has two moods: mania and depression. She shows symptoms of this

What is bipolar 1 disorder ( double points if the 1 was also guessed)


Megan Fox finds herself having difficulty paying attention when the teacher is teaching a lesson. She also has trouble staying still and often interrupts others when they are speaking. Megan Fox probably has this disorder

What is ADHD


Lil Mello gets a 65 on her Physics exam. she attributes this to the teacher's bad teaching. In Ap Lit, she gets a 100 on her exam. She attributes this to her amazing writing skills. Lil mello is falling into this

What is self-serving bias


Megan Fox watches a lot of the Great British Baking show. Now, whenever she goes into work she speaks in a british accent. This type of influence effect causes this

what is the chameleon effect


Megan Fox doesn’t like to go anywhere by herself. She doesn’t want to get a job and makes her parents make all her decisions for her. Megan fox has this type of personality disorder 

What is dependent personality disorder 


An example of a positive symptom of schizophrenia would be this

What is hallucinations or delusions 


The Jekyll and Hyde story most closely aligns with this type of disorder

What is dissociative identity disorder (multiple personalities disorder)


Molly Wolly asks Faith to bring her to work one day. Once she drops her off, Molly asks Faith if she will pick her up some lunch from Qdoba for her and drop it off at work. Molly used this type of persuasion strategy

What is the foot-in-the-door phenomenon

Molly Wolly goes bowling every tuesday alone because she wants to improve her skills. No matter how hard she tries she cannot seem to get a strike. A bit later she goes bowling with the gang. While playing she miraculously gets a strike. Others watching her served as this type of influence

what is social facilitation 


Whenever Beth goes out with her friends, she always acts really clumsy and ends up having a dramatic trip or fall. She always cries after and talks about how she is in so much pain and needs someone to take care of her. In reality, Beth is perfectly fine. Beth is showing signs of this personality disorder

What is histrionic personality disorder


Molly Wolly is terrified of leaving her house because she thinks everyone will try to hurt her. She shows signs of this 

What is agoraphobia 


Beth notices that her dad has a difficult time maintaining eye contact with her. He is always repeating the phrase "meow meow bit me". He is also obsessed with hot wheels and hates when anything changes. Beth's dad is displaying symptoms of this disorder

(Based on true events)

What is Autism spectrum disorder


Megan Fox does not like Mr. Haskell. She thinks that he is too noisy, so she does not try in his class. Whenever mr. Haskell walks around to see how she is doing, Megan Fox says "see he is noisy". Megan Fox uses this phenomenon

what is a self-fulfilling prophecy 


Lil Mello is in a trivia group. The question asks about the most popular singer of 2008. Lil Mello's gut feeling says Justin Beiber. Everyone else thinks the answer is Rihanna. Faith just agrees with the group even though the right answer was infact Justin Bieber. Lil Mello engages in this type of influence

What is group think


Molly Wolly seeks out Lil Mello to be her friend because she knows that Lil Mello has her license and will be able to drive her places. Lil Mello drives her everywhere and spends 120 dollars on gas in a week because of her. Molly Wolly feels no remorse and continues to take faith's money. She is exhibiting signs of this personality disorder

What is antisocial personality disorder


Megan fox had an experience where she was bit by a werwolf. Ever since then she has severe panic attacks where she thinks a werewolf is attacking her. She also had severe nightmares of the incident. She is experiencing this 

What is ptsd


Lil Mello was in a bad car accident. When the police arrived, she could not remember what happened or even what had occurred earlier that day. Lil Mello is most likely experiencing this type of memory loss

What is dissociative amnesia


Lil Mello tells Megan Fox that her headband is ugly today. Megan Fox believes that Lil mello is just in a bad mood and her headband can't possibly be ugly. Megan Fox uses this type of attribution 

What is situational attribiution


If Lil Mello was driving on a empty road that no one else drives pon and saw a car broke down, she would stop in help. She is on the highway one day and sees a car that has a flat tire. Lil Mello does not stop because she figures someone else will stop. This effect is affecting Lil Mello

What is the bystander effect


Lil Mello does not have any close friends because she believes that everyone is out to do her wrong. She doesn't understand the desire to be close with someone and usually rejects people's advances to hang out with her. She believes that they must have ulterior motives. She is displaying symptoms of this personality disorder 

What is schizotypal; also will take paranoid personality disorder


lil mello woke up one morning and she realized that she couldn’t see. No doctor has been able to identify a physical cause. What is lil mello experiencing 

What is conversion disorder 


Molly Wolly had a weird out of body exeperience. Whenever she has a panic attack Molly feels like she is not herself and is out of her own body. Molly Wolly is experiencing this type of disorder

What is depersonalization/derealization disorder


Molly Wolly tries to reduce this concept after reading an article that says that Roblox is stealing your personal data. Molly Wolly tells herself that she doesn't have any important information to steal anyway so its okay if she continues playing. Molly reduces this type of mental state

what is cognitive dissonance 


Megan Fox will never cut her hair by herself (she claims...). She is at Faith's house and everyone decides to drastically cut their hair. even though she would never do it alone, megan Fox finds herself giving herself a bob cut. This influence caused Megan Fox to cut her hair

What is group polarization
