How many units does 516 have
How many kids are on our Unit 8 Roster
Name 1 Disney Movie
Name 3 sports
Basketball, Soccer, Hockey, Volleyball, Swimming... etc
Name 5 cereals
Reeses Puffs, Frosted Flakes... etc
Whats the Middle School After school site called
Life Lines
Name of All the Unit 8 leaders
Noel, Kelly, Jennifer, Marlene
Most famous Disney movie
Lion king
Name 5 Athletes
Name 3 US Presidents
George Washington, Barrack Obama, George Bush
How many units do we have in the summer
5 units
what subjects do we have on Thursday.
Team Building and Group time
What was the first Pixar Movie
Toy Story
Who won the last World Cup
how many Presidents have we had in the United States
Name 10 STAFF MEMBERS in PS 516
Noel, Kelly, Amaya, Oriagna, Felipe, Olney, Kathy, Fran, Larry, Sha, Adriano, Araira, August, Latifa, Daniel, Kaia, Natalia, Michelle, Durjoy, Esther
Whats the most requested Song in unit 8 Statistically
Thick of it By KSI
Name 4 People in Encanto
Mirabel, Isabela,Camilo,Bruno, Luisa, Dolores, Pepa
Who won the last NBA finals
How many rings are in the Olympic Logo
5 Rings
What are the Last names of your group leaders
Brito, Mendez
What is Noel and Kellys Favorite food
Mac and Cheese, and Ice Cream
Name 8 Avengers
Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America, Thor, Hawkeye, Spiderman, Black Panther, Black Widow
When does the next World Cup start Month and year
June 2026
Name all of the games in Squid Games Season 1.Does not have to be the name, You may describe the game
Red Light Green Light
Cookie Game
Tug of War
Glass Bridge
Squid Game