To remove something from the internet.
When I am finished using the computer, I will _____________________.
Switch it off
2. Switch it off
Has ... anybody / nobody ... seen my backpack? I can't remember where I left it.
Has anybody seen my backpack? I can't remember where I left it.
What is the smallest country in the world?
The Vatican
Which planet is the hottest?
To write a message or your opinion on a social media post.
Comment on
I want to become an influencer so I am trying to _____________ my followers.
1. Comment on
2. Follow
3. Build up
3. Build up
I have searched ... everywhere / somewhere ... in my house for my phone and I still cannot find it.
I have searched everywhere in my house for my phone and I still cannot find it.
How many eyes does a bee have?
What is the world’s biggest island?
A personal website or social media account where someone regularly posts short videos.
The computer is frozen. Maybe if we completely ___________ and turn it back on it will work?
1. shut it down
2. switch on
3. delete
1. shut it down
When the teacher was talking, ... anyone / no one ... said anything. Everybody / Nobody ... was silent.
When the teacher was talking, no one said anything. Everybody was silent.
Who was the first American astronaut to step foot on the moon?
Neil Armstrong
Which country produces the most coffee in the world?
When you want to become “friends” with someone on social media, you _________ their account.
When you leave the house be sure to ____________ the lights.
1. switch on
2. switch off
3. shut down
2. switch off
My friends want to go ... everywhere / somewhere ... to eat but ... anybody / nobody ... has made a decision.
My friends want to go somewhere to eat but nobody has made a decision.
What language is the most popularly spoken worldwide?
What’s the most populated city in the United States?
New York
When you choose to regularly receive a service or notifications from a social media site.
I took so many photos from our trip, I can't wait to ________ them!
1. comment on
2. vlog
3. post
3. post
Are you doing ... everything / anything ... this weekend? I was hoping we could travel ... somewhere / everywhere.
Are you doing anything this weekend? I was hoping we could travel somewhere.
Which famous artist painted the Mona Lisa?
Leonardo da Vinci
What is the only fruit that has its seeds on the outside?