Text Structures/Patterns of Organization
Text Features
Bias/Loaded Language
Claims and Supports
Persuasive Techniques
How many types of patterns of organization (or text structures) did we study?
Sidebars, titles, subtitles, and graphic aids are all examples of...
A text feature.
The side of an issue that a writer favors is called
What is the difference between a claim and a counterclaim?
Claim - the writer's stance/bias on an issue. Counterclaim - the opposing viewpoint.
Bandwagon appeal, testimonial, emotional appeals, and using loaded language are all examples of:
Persuasive techniques.
Name the five types of text structures
Cause/Effect, Chronological Order(Sequence), Problem/Solution, Compare/Contrast, Description(Concept/Definition)
This is the name of the article, and reveals the topic or main idea.
Writers reveal their bias through strong positive or negative words or phrases referred to as
Loaded language
What does the term support mean?
The evidence/reasons authors use to support their claim.
Using strong feelings to get the reader to feel certain things like fear, pity, or vanity is called
emotional appeal
Identify the text structure used in the following paragraph: On the river banks of the Nile River, home to some crocodiles, there are many kinds of birds, sometimes called crocodile birds because they are always hopping around crocodiles. The big crocodiles and the birds are useful to each other for several reasons. The birds eat flies and leeches that they find on the crocodiles’ skin and mouths. In this way, the birds get a good meal and the crocodiles get rid of the leeches and flies. Sometimes an enemy frightens the birds who scream and fly away. As a result of the noise, the birds give the crocodiles a warning of danger.
Cause & Effect
These are often typed in a different font and state the main idea of the upcoming paragraph(s).
Headings or Subheadings
Which of the following is an example of loaded language? A- horror of being eaten B- magnificent predators C- 15-foot-long female shark D- practical knowledge about great whites
B - Magnificent predators
Which of the following is an example of a factual claim? A- great whites are among the true apex predators in the world B- some species of sharks have dropped by 80 percent C- these exquisite creatures of evolution are not villians D- great whites are beautiful, graceful, and efficient
B- some species of sharks have dropped by 80 percent
When a writer suggests a person should believe or do something because "everyone else" does it, they are using what type of persuasive technique?
Bandwagon appeal
Identify the text structure used in the following paragraph: Recently, scientists have gained an understanding of a crocodile’s reproductive activity. Crocodiles mate in the water, where the buoyancy keeps them from crushing each other. Prior to mating, there are stylized postures, jumping, submerged bubble blowing, and snout contact. After mating, hard‐shelled eggs are laid in a nest, in a hole scooped in the sand. When it is time to hatch, the infant crocodiles begin a loud chirping sound that leads the female to the nest, which she excavates. Finally, when all the babies are accounted for, the mother crocodile transports them to the shallow water where they will remain under adult protection for weeks or months.
Chronological Order/Sequencing
These provide a short description to explain a picture or other graphic aid.
A caption.
True or False: Authors use loaded language to help show their bias towards a topic.
Which of the following is an example of a stereotype? A- teachers make less than one percent of what some athletes make B- the historical argument for paying athletes exorbitant salaries is the brevity of their careers C - the owners probably don't care what the athletes make D- So, everyone benefits right up until no one benefits.
C - the owners probably don't care what the athletes make
What is a broad statement about people on the basis of gender, ethnicity, race, or political, social, professional, or religious group?
A stereotype
The signal phrase "as a result" can be associated with two types of text structures. What are the two types?
Cause & Effect, Problem & Solution
This may take the form of a picture, map, or diagram.
A graphic aid.
Identify two examples of loaded language in the following sentence: For sharks to be driven to extinction by man, a relative newcomer, would be more than an ecological tragedy; it would be a moral travesty.
Possible answers: Driven to extinction, relative newcomer, ecological tragedy, moral travesty.
What is a rhetorical fallacy?
A false or misleading statement
This persuasive technique attacks a person's character, rather than their argument.
Ad hominem