I (miss)____ my train yesterday, if you (not to give)____ me a lift.
would have missed, hadn`t given
Choose the correct option:
Can you imagine to live / living on a tropical island?
The officer ______ the situation and weighed up the risks before giving his men the command to move forward.
Timothy tends not to bother ironing his shirts as it is so t ____-c _____at the end of a working day and he has better things to do with his free time.
Gerry’s always had a real sense of __________ and he makes sure every lad on the team gets a chance to play in each match. He is pretty ______________.
fairness, supportive
If I (not to fall)______ asleep,I (hear)____ the phone ringing.
hadn’t fallen, would’ve heard
Choose the correct option:
It’s far better to share / sharing your possessions with others than to keep / keeping them for yourself.
to share, to keep
They ______ at their final decision after much discussion. It hadn’t been easy choosing who to make redundant.
Anna’s s____ -p_____ lights really brighten up her garden at the end of a sunny day.
Karina was totally disillusioned by the court ruling and after that moment, believed there was no real______ in the world. The judge was even rude and _______ towards her.
justice, aggressive
If I (buy)___the red dress,I (wear)___ it to the party tonight.
had bought, would be wearing
Choose the correct option:
When my boss made me work / to work / working late last Friday, I was forced to cancel / cancelling / cancel my dinner plans.
work, to cancel
Following a series of burglaries in the area, the police began _______into the goings-on in the area in more depth.
to look
When a man with an o______ -s______ name called to book a room, I had to ask him to spell it.
When my aunt gave me her old car, as she was no longer able to drive, I was overwhelmed by her________ .I`m an emotional person and very _________ to such things.
generosity, sensitive
If I (be)_____ more assertive, I (participate)_______ in this contest last year.
was, would have participated
Choose the best option:
If you want improve / to improve / improving your fitness level, you should to give / give / giving my gym instructor a call.
to improve, give
My grandfather always told me to _____ to my principles, as they would guide me to make the right ______ in my life.
stick, decisions
Since the law on smoking changed, all public buildings have become s_____-f_____.
Although the company publicly proclaimed they were advocates of _________ , in reality women were rarely promoted. How can this be called _________?
equality, tactful / diplomatic
I (get)____ you some cheese,if you (tell)_____ me you wanted some.
would (could) have got, had told
Choose the best option:
Try to avoid going / go / to go clubbing if you are willing to stop smoke and drink / smoking and drinking and drinking.
going, smoking and drinking
After three hours of careful deliberation, the jurors had yet to ________ a decision as to their verdict.
For Clive, surviving the accident was l____ -c______ and after he recovered from it, he gave up his job to travel the world.
If corruption is ever to be overcome, the issue of _______ , which is central to people taking bribes, needs to be addressed. I guess it`s __________ to discuss the problem at our next meeing.
greed, sensible