Tag Questions
Diversity in the Workplace
The Americans with Disabilities Act
Diversity in College
More Vocabulary
More Vocabulary 2

You're coming to my party, __________?

a. aren't you

b. are you

c. you are

d. you aren't

a. aren't you


In 2020-21, many women were forced to leave the _______ due to COVID-19.

a. range                                                                 b. poor                                                                   c. workforce                                                            d. rich

c. workforce

Sheila thinks that her dog is becoming deaf because he

a. doesn't turn his head when she calls him.                     

b. has recently stopped playing with his toys.

c. isn't. drinking as much water as he used to.

d. wants to go outside all the time.

a. doesn't turn his head when she calls him.


Antonio must ____ enough college credits before he can graduate.

a. lack                                                                               b. fulfill                                                                      c. implement                                                           d. accrue                                                                                                                                          

d. accrue


James loves basketball. ______, he enjoys football.

a. In particular

b. However

c. Likewise

d. Although

c. Likewise


It _____ that everyone should have access to good health services.

a. goes without saying                                               b. goes one step further                                           c. follows our lead                                                   d. is to a great extent

a. goes without saying


Odelia _______ good English, doesn't she?

a. spoke

b. she speaks

c. can speak

d. speaks

d. speaks


The teacher ______ the student's writing and made some helpful comments.

a. made up                                                              b. acknowledged                                                         c. assisted                                                              d. critiqued

d. critiqued


A visually impaired person has difficulty _____.

a. seeing

b. hearing

c. smelling

d. speaking

a. seeing


Look at the results of the study. They ____ for themselves!

a. say                                                                     b. talk                                                                     c. show                                                                  d. speak

d. speak


The police never found the criminals, so they got away without ______.

a. praise                                                                 b. punishment                                                         c. guidance                                                               d. disabilities

b. punishment


Even today, some people are _______ against people whose ethnicity is different from theirs.

a. productive                                                           b. diverse                                                                c. ineffective                                                           d. prejudiced

d. prejudiced


It was raining when you arrived, ________?

a. wasn't it

b. it was

c. was it

d. it wasn't

a. wasn't it


Over the last 40 years, the percentage of ____ in the workforce has risen from 18% to 37%.

a. minorities                                                           b. the elderly                                                           c. housewives                                                         d. concern

a. minorities


Employers are required to make ____ accommodations for employees with disabilities.                            

a. accessible                                                             b. separate                                                               c. reasonable                                                             d. diverse

c. reasonable


Theo is taking ____ English course to improve his language skills before he starts college.

a. an accessible                                                          b. an ineffective                                                       c. a remedial                                                           d. a productive

c. a remedial

The school has a _______ of 150.

a. perspective

b. range

c. staff

d. limitation

c. staff

Jack spent his ______ career teaching at a college.

a. academic

b. essential

c. remedial

d. adequate

a. academic


I'm on time, ______?

a. aren't I

b. am I 

c. am not I

d. are I

a. aren't I


Today, employers are hiring people of different genders, races, and ______.

a. workforce                                                            b. diversity                                                              c. limitations                                                           d. ethnicities

d. ethnicities


A person with a speech impediment might find it difficult to ______.

a. make phone calls                                                   b. send text messages                                               c. use public transportation                                       d. watch TV                                     

a. make phone calls


Community college "bridge" programs often include remedial and _____ courses.

a. high-skill                                                              b. for-credit                                                             c. adequate                                                             d. blind

b. for-credit

Allison __ new car. She thinks it was money well spent.

a. can't afford a

b. didn't buy a

c. is dissatisfied with her

d. is happy with her

d. is happy with her


The school has ____ smoking. No one is allowed to spoke at school, not even the staff.                             

a. regulated                                                             b. banned                                                               c. acknowledged                                                      d. implemented

b. banned


The children should go to bed now, _______?

a. should they

b. shouldn't they

c. they shouldn't go

d. shouldn't they go

b. shouldn't they


Men still hold most of the best jobs in _____ and technology.                                                             a. finance                                                               b. money                                                                c. careers                                                               d. waste

a. finance


The man in the wheelchair used the entrance ______ to get into the building.

a. steps                                                                        b. stairs                                                                    c. accommodation                                                   d. ramp                                                                                                 

d. ramp


Many colleges are trying to make their ____ more diverse.

a. body                                                                     b. students                                                              c. student body                                                       d. staff body

c. student body

Jay stopped exercising after his accident. Now he wants to _______ back on track.

a. go                                                                            b. get                                                                      c. start                                                                   d. return

b. get


Some visually impaired people use ___ to help them.

a. guidance dogs.

b. service dogs

c. the elderly

d. wheelchairs

b. service dogs
