____________ in Mexico did not benefit from Mexico's economic growth under the dictator Porfirio Diaz.
What was South Africa by the 1930s?
an Independent nation with a strict policy of racial separation.
________________ described civil disobedience by using “soul-force”.
Mohandas Gandhi
Who gave twice as much land to peasants than the 6 presidents before him?
Lazaro Cardenas
This map is showing the British and French Mandates in Syria and Iraq show the impact of the_______________ Declaration.
What resulted in this event?
demands for complete independence increasing in India.
What did Zeferino Diego Ferreira fight for?
Social Equality for peasants
The négritude movement in Africa had goals that were most similar to the goals of ___________ ___________ in Latin America.
cultural nationalism
What examples did Gandhi set of civil disobedience?
by leading marchers to deliberately defy laws passed by the colonial government.
What was a primary feature of economic nationalization in Mexico?
government control of oil resources.
What is an apartheid system?
a system of racial segregation.
What is Boycott?
The ban of buying goods or services.
Pancho Villa led a peasant revolution for which region if Mexico?
Research/ Discussion
Why are nations in Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East having to have cultural nationalism movements?
European expansion and colonialism.
What was the name of this event?
Armritsar Massacre
What was the purpose of the Good Neighbor Policy?
To stop American intervention of Latin American affairs.
What does Ataturk mean?
Father of the Turks.
Where did Gandhi attend school to become a lawyer?
Inner Temple in London and University College, London.