Causes of US Involvement
FDR's Executive Powers / Domestic Impact
European Theater
Pacific Theater

The Broken Radio 📻 - teams cannot communicate for one question—they must answer in complete silence, symbolizing a lost radio signal in battle.

The MAIN reason why the United States joined WWII.

Bombing of Pearl Harbor.


The Battle Fatigue 😵‍💫 - must answer in a monotone, exhausted voice, as if they have been fighting for days. If they don’t commit, they lose 50 points.

What was the purpose of this poster and who is this?

Women’s participation in the war effort, Rosie the Riveter 


Wartime production led to shortages of consumer goods and high demand for essential materials which led to what practice?



What was the purpose of D-Day?

To open up a Western Front


These are the two places where the US dropped the atomic bombs. 

Hiroshima and Nagasaki


After Axis Power success, FDR gave the navy and merchant ships authority to ____________________________.

Attack German U-Boats


What is the purpose of a war bond?

To help fund the war


The ______________ gave President Roosevelt the power to expand the government, use censorship, and limit personal liberties.

The War Powers Act


The Desertion Dilemma 🚷 - team must choose to either lose 150 points OR force another team to lose 75 points—a tough ethical decision just like in war.

What was the ACTUAL plan of D-Day called?

Operation Overlord


This was the turning point in the War in the Pacific.

Battle of Midway


Laws that made it illegal for companies to sell weapons or transport goods to any nation at war.

Neutrality Acts


What is the this poster about?



The Kamikaze Betrayal 💀 - Your wager 100 points on another team’s next question. If that team gets it right, the first team loses 100 points. If they get it wrong, the first team gains 100 points. 

The US government grew to its largest size ever and _________________________ directed factories to produce war supplies in order to out-produce the Axis powers.

The War Production Board


D-Day was the larges _____________________ attack in history. 

Land and Sea / Amphibious 


The Pacific war revealed a new kind of fighting by using ____________.

Aircraft Carriers 


_____________________ allowed the US to send war supplies to Allied nations and transport war-related goods to Europe on armed ships and helped end the depression in America. 

Lend-Lease Act


What is the meaning of the propaganda poster?

Victory at home and abroad for African Americans


In 1942, President Roosevelt issued ______________ which “relocated” 112,000 Japanese-Americans to internment camps away from the Pacific coast

Executive Order 9066


This battle was the final battle of WW2 and was one of the bloodiest battles in history. 

Battle of Berlin


FDR created a top-secret program called the _________________ and put Robert _____________ in charge of developing an atomic bomb. From 1942-1945, a number of secret labs across the country were developed to build the bomb

Manhattan Project, Oppenheimer 


The Spy Defection 🕵️ - A team member must sit with another team for two rounds and help them—but they still return to their original team afterward.

The process where the Allied nations could buy American-made war goods but had to pay in cash and had to transport goods on their own ships.

Cash and Carry Policy


The Blackout Bomb 💣 - A team that lands on this power-up must skip their next turn—symbolizing cities going dark during air raids.

What is this poster talking about?

War production


Civil rights leader ______________ threatened to “March on Washington” to force FDR to help blacks

As a result, President Roosevelt offered _________ for black workers and created the __________________________.

A. Phillip Randolph, Equal Pay, Fair Employment Practice Commission


The Draft Notice ✉️ - The team must swap one of their players with a member from another team for the next two rounds.

This know was the formal German surrender on May 8, 1945.

V-E Day


The Nuclear Fallout ☢️ - ALL teams lose 50 points

The three islands that the US took back while battling Japan.

The Philippians, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa
