State the energy content in 100g of a Carbohydrate
1760 kJ
Define glycogenolysis
Glycogen being broken down into glucose
Outline the function of a lysosome in the cell
digests material/breaks down waste
Outline two functions of a protein
- supports and build structure of muscle, skin, bone etc
- repair and growth of muscle tissue
- transport and communication in cells
- fuel source for the body
List 2 processes that are catabolic
Outline how energy is released from ATP
a phosphate group is broken off ATP to become ADP. The breaking of the bond releases energy
State the structure in the mitochondria where the Krebs Cycle takes place
inner matrix
Distinguish between saturated and unsaturated fatty acids (2 marks)
saturated - 4 H on each C; no double bonds between C atoms; linked to cardiovascular disease due to build up in arteries; solids at room temp like butter, animal fat
unsaturated - missing H atoms on C; at least 1 or more double bonds between C atoms; less likely to build up in arteries; liquid at room temp like olive oil
Describe the source and function of glucagon in the body
glucagon is released from the pancrease
its function is to increase blood glucose levels
Distinguish between the fuel source, NET ATP, by products and type of activity for the ATP-CP system and aerobic glycolysis
ATP-CP: fuel = creatine phosphate, NET ATP = 1, by products = heat, activity = any high intensity, short powerful action
Aerobic: fuel = glucose, NET ATP = 34-36, by products = heat, CO2, and water, activity = any low to moderate, small force endurance activity
Describe three recommendations for a healthy diet.
Explain how glucose molecules form disaccharides
two glucose molecules will combine to form a disaccharide through a condensation reaction with the loss of a water molecule
Distinguish between the carbohydrate metabolism processes that are initiated by insulin and glucagon
insulin - glycogenesis, glycolysis
glucagon - gluconeogenesis, glycogenolysis
Evaluate ATP production from anaerobic glycolysis
Strengths - quick way to generate ATP;
Limitations - does not provide a lot of ATP (NET 2); build of a lactic acid in muscle can lead to cramps
Distinguish between the fuel source, NET ATP produced, by products, and duration of the three energy systems
ATP-CP Lactic Acid Aerobic
Fuel: creatine phosphate, glucose, glucose
NET ATP: 1 ATP, 2 ATP, 34-36 ATP
by products: heat, lactate, heat CO2 and water
Duration: less than 30s, 30sec to 3min, >3min