Medication Children/Immunizations
The Hospitalized Child
Play/motor/language development
Common Illnesses
Name that Age

Correct route: How do you properly administer ear drops to a child versus an adult?

What is: 3 or younger pinna is pulled down and back. Older then 3 pinna is pulled up and back


This group likes to be involved in cares and treated as an adult

What is teen/adolescent


An infant conducts itself in what sort of play?

what is: Solitary


How is scoliosis cared for and treated?

Bend over, observing one shoulder higher, assess for leg length, perform regulars exercises, inspect the skin daily, and wear a cotton shirt between brace and skin.


In heath promotion, what ages will we classify as toddler?

What is 1-3


If a pill cannot be swallowed, crushed or chewed on developmental age, what is your first inquiry?

What is: Find out if it is available in liquid form.


Infants have a need to develop trust. Because of this how may the respond to stress in the hospital?

Stranger Anxiety.

This is different from separation anxiety in a toddler.

Bonus: How would you respond to a parent?


What is the best way to enhance language in a toddler

What is: READ...over and over!


Ringworm is caused by what? and how do  you treat it?

Also known as athletes foot. It is a number fungi (not bacteria or parasites!). treated with antifungal cream (which takes WEEKS). Shower shoes in locker or public showers, as well as well vented socks and shoes.


Ages 6-12 are classified as what?

School Age


Two verbal concepts YOUNGER children do not understand

What is: Word choice and Concept of time


This group has a need to foster a sense of helping.

What is preschooler. Their task is initiative. "Do you want to hold the cup?" 


This age group is strong in social groups, team sports, and even secret groups.


Bonus: what is often present because of this?


The child is pulling at his/her ear, falling frequently, has a yellow, green drainage from their ear, is expressing pain, and experiences NVD with a fever. What do you suspect?

What is Otitis Media


In heath promotion, what ages will we classify as adolescent?

What is 13-21


DAILY BONUS: Wanted another hospitalized child question! Tee he! How are you going to prepare a school age client for a tonsillectomy?

1-5 days prior prep. Do not do day of, let child process.

Bonus question: What teaching would you provide after a tonsillectomy?


Toddlers want a sense of AUTONOMY. What does that mean and how do we approach this age group.

What is rituals, routine, CHOICES. THey can handle equipment, magical thinkers, use of play.


A 5 year old will conduct themselves in what sort of play play? 

What is parallel play (what does this mean?)


This disease is highly contagious. It requires isolation of a minimum 1 week. More common in humid weather, and often starts with an insect bite.

What is impetigo


Ages 0-1 are classified as what?



What would be included in parental teaching in giving Immunizations?

What is: VIS & Verbal or written consent. Possible reaction is redness at site. Call for temp >101F. Relief measures: Tylenol, Ice first 24 hours and warm or cold after.


School-agers are developing a sense of industry. What does that mean and how do we approach this age group.

What is: developing confidence, becoming problem solvers. Instead of offering choices we are asking them what they would like. "what would you like with your medication?" Honesty important


At what age can one roll from front to back versus back to front?

4-5 front to back

6-7 back to front

*Look at other milestones for each age group. what can they do, fine versus gross motor movement?


Wat is the virus associated with mononucleosis and how do we treat?

Kissing disease! Epstein Barr virus. Contracted by saliva. Fatigue main approximently symptom and resolves


In heath promotion, what ages will we classify as preschoolers?

What is 3-6 yrs
