A map with curvy lines called contour lines that tell you how tall the mountain is.
What is a topographic map?
A large, flat area of land.
What is a plain?
Name the 5 sizes of smaller rocks, in order from largest to smallest.
Pebble, gravel, sand, silt, and clay.
The lines on a topographic map are called this.
What are contour lines?
A low area between mountains or hills.
What is a valley?
What happens when water freezes?
It expands.
The spaces between contour lines are called this.
What are contour intervals?
What is a volcano?
Which natural resources are renewable? Which are nonrenewable?
Air, Minerals, Coal, Water , Soil, Natural gas, Animals
Renewable: air, water, soil, animals, and trees
Nonrenewable: minerals, coal, natural gas
The meaning of contour lines when they are very close together on a map.
What is a steep slope?
The tallest type of landform.
What is a mountain?
A large body of water surrounded by land.
What is a lake?