It is the nutrient in the body that stores excess energy for later
What is fat/lipids
DDT was originally used as a pesticide to kill what species of animal?
What is mosquitoes
In humans, this macronutrient is important for building structures in cells and tissues
What is proteins?
The trend that show toxins becoming more concentrated as it moves up the food chain is called this
What is bioaccumulation?
The difference between one number and the next on the pH scale represents this much of a difference.
What is a ten times (10x) difference?
Examples of this macronutrient include fiber, starch, sugars.
What are carbohydrates
Parts per Million
Which important product is formed whenever an acid and base react and neutralize each other?
What is water?
The human body requires several metals from the periodic table as nutrients to help facilitate its reactions. Name 2.
What is calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, potassium, sodium and zinc.
PPM is measuring the following
What is concentration
Acidic lakes are sometime treated with this process to remove the acidity.
What is liming?
In humans, these micronutrients are a group of organic compounds that assist in growth. Common sources include citrus fruits and sunlight.
What are viatmins.
10 ml of toxin dissolved into 200 ml of solution. What is the PPM of toxin?
What is 50,000 ppm