Age of Exploration
English History
Reformation and Enlightenment
The American Colonies
French and Indian War

What was the encomienda system?

Social hierarchy of land owners and laborers in Spanish America


What queen ruled England for over 50 years, was the daughter of Henry VIII, and confirmed England as a protestant country?

Elizabeth I


Which king broke off from the Catholic Church and started the Church of England?

Henry VIII


Who was the leader of Jamestown who whipped the colony into shape?

John Smith


Who was the arrogant British general who was killed in the campaign to take Fort Duquesne?

Edward Braddock


What Spanish man conquered the Aztec Empire?

Hernan Cortez


What was the Spanish Armada and what historical impact did it have?

Massive Spanish fleet designed to invade England. England defeated them against all odds which marked the beginning of the decline of the Spanish Empire and the rise of the British Empire.


What document did Martin Luther nail to the church in Germany?

95 Theses


What three events happened in 1619?

House of Burgesses, Women, and Slaves


Who was the British Prime Minister who crafted the winning strategy of the French and Indian War?

William Pitt


What series of wars gave Europe a taste for the goods from the far East in Asia and India?

The Crusades


What English king was beheaded in the public square?

Charles I


Where do natural rights come from?

Two answers: God or nature (as created by God)


What was the headright system and what was indentured servitude?

50 acres + 50 more for each person a settler brought; system of labor based on 5-7 year contracts


What was the Proclamation Line of 1763 and how did it effect the colonies?

It created a border along the Appalachian Mountains that prevented the colonies from moving Westward. It aggravated the colonies sense of freedom.


Besides goods what was transferred through the Columbian Exchange that transformed the population of the New World?



What year was the Magna Carta signed and what did it do?

1215, it limited the power of the king and gave more power to Parliament which marks the beginning of the tradition of self-government in England. 


According the John Locke, what is required to establish a just government based on the interests of the people?

Consent of the governed


Explain three differences between the New England colonies and the Virginia colony.

Founded by young individual men v. founded by families; founded to achieve a Christian ideal v. founded for material reasons; tobacco plantation-based class system v. stronger sense of equality


Name two important effects of the French and Indian War.

Increased the British debt and made England the most powerful empire in the world.


Where was Christopher Columbus originally from and what motivated him to sail West?

He was born in Italy (Genoa), and he was motivated by greatness but also by converting the Khan of the far East.


What king was chased out of England during the Glorious Revolution and what king and queen replaced them?

James II & William and Mary


What is the state of nature?

A situation in which there is no government which, according to Locke, means that man has perfect freedom but also that his rights are not protected, revealing the need for government.


Who was the first governor of the Massachusetts Bay colony and what was the message of his speech "A Modell of Christian Charity?"

John Winthrop; to build a city on a hill


What was the British policy of salutary neglect and how did it effect the colonies?

The policy of salutary neglect was to let the colonies govern themselves. From 1688 to 1763, this policy allowed the colonies to develop habits of self-government, and when this policy ended it aggravated the colonies way of life and set the stage for revolution.
