Territorial Expansion
Politics of the 1830s-40s
Westward Expansion
Jackson Presidency

President who is responsible for the Indian Removal Act, ending the BUS, and the Great Panic.

Who is Andrew Jackson


When a territory outside of a nation's domain is incorporated into the nation's territory

What is annexation


What region of the United States was heavily reliant on agriculture as the main source of their economy? What crop in particular were they reliant on?

What is the South and Cotton


Most famous trail used to go west.

What is the Oregon Trail


The promotion of unqualified people to important jobs in the federal government by the Jackson administration was known as what?

What is the "spoils system"


Mexico opened land for American colonization in this future state

What is Texas


In 1848 the Oregon Territory was incorporated into the United States after negotiation with which foreign nation?

Who is Great Britain


What is "Nullification"? 

When a state "nullifies" or cancels out a law because it is unconstitutional.


term used to describe people who moved to California during the Gold Rush.

What are "49ers"


Nickname for the election of 1824 which Andrew Jackson lost to John Quincy Adams

What is the "Corrupt Bargain"


Candidate who defeated Jackson in the election of 1824.

Who is John Quincy Adams


After the Mexican-American war, what territory did the United States add? What was the name for the territory that was added?

The United States gained California, Arizona, Utah and New Mexico. This was known as the "Mexican Cession."


Which political party would have been in favor of using the power of the federal government to address the needs of the nation in the 1840's, including the creation of internal improvements, a tariff to pay for those internal improvements, and a strong national bank?

Who are the Whigs.


lasted from 1846-1848, this was caused by Mexico firing on American troops along the Rio Grande. Mexico did not want to sell Polk California and New Mexico.

What is the Mexican-American War


What institution did Jackson end in 1832?

What is the Bank of the United States


In Worcester v. Georgia, the Supreme Court sided with whom and for what reason?

Who are the Cherokees, who claimed the land they were given in Georgia was rightfully theirs after the state tried to seize their land. 


Native Americans located on the east coast of the United States were forced by the Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren administrations to relocate. Where did they relocate, and what name was given to the forced march?

West of the Missisissippi (modern day Oklahoma) and it was known as the "Trail of Tears."


Demand for Cotton increased significantly after which late 18th century event, which started in England.

What is the Industrial Revolution


The president most closely associated with Manifest Destiny

Who is James K. Polk


What battle in 1812 made Andrew Jackson a national celebrity?

What is the Battle of New Orleans

How did Andrew Jackson respond to South Carolina's threat to nullify federal tariffs it believed were harmful to its economy?

He threated to send troops into South Carolina to enforce the law. Eventually a compromise was reached through Henry Clay whereby the tariff was reduced to levels acceptable by South Carolina.


Explain the tariff issue during the 1830's. Why was the North for the tariff while the South opposed it?



The Mexican-American War broke out over a dispute over what?

Which river marked the boundaries between the United States and Mexico - the Nueces or the Rio Grande.


Name given to the territory that Mexico lost to the United States after the Mexican-American War

What is the Mexican Cession


Jackson's policies regarding the Bank of the United States directly led to this financial depression..

What is the Panic of 1837
