Sensory memory, short term and long term
What are the 2 types of processing?
Automatic and effortful processing
Where does storing our memories go into?
Our long term memory!
What are retrieval cues?
Signals to remember something
What does it mean to forget something? (You can't use the word forget)
To fail to remember
What is working memory?
An active workspace where memory is maintained.
What is the serial position effect?
The assumption that people generally remember the first and last terms better than everything else in the middle on a list
What's the difference between synapses and neural circuitry?
Synapses- messages sent from the brain
neural circuitry- network of the brain
What is that thing called... when omg I'm trying to remember something but I forgor it's so close its just--
on the TIP OF MY TONGUE (Phenomenon)
What are the 3 types of forgetting?
encoding failure, storage decay and retrieval failure
What is an example of a flashbulb memory?
Any type of core memory or important event.
Give an example of automatic and effortful processing and explain the difference.
Eating a burger (automatic) , trying to study for a test (effortful)
What's the difference between implicit and explicit memories?
implicit- not consciously aware of
explicit- intentionally recalling information
Why is the animal bear spelled like this -> bear (and not like this) -> bare
Priming (explain)
explain the difference between proactive and retroactive interference (retrieval failure)
proactive- when you can't access new information
retroactive- when you can't access old information
Give me the definitions for the 3 stages of memory.
encoding- processing information
storage- keeping information
retrieval- pulling out information
How would you use the peg word method to remember a grocery list?
Create a jingle for each term
What are the 5 parts of the brain for memory?
Hippocampus, cerebellum, prefrontal cortex, amygdala, temporal lobe
what's the difference between state dependent memory and mood congruent memory?
state = state of mind
mood = mood you're in
Name the 3 types of Amnesia (explain 2)
retrograde, anterograde and source amnesia
Describe all the parts of information processing and how it works.
Sensory memory -> short term memory -> long term memory
Explain the difference between the method of Loci and the chunking method when trying to remember something.
Loci- "visual palace"
Chunking- breaking it down into pieces.
name all the types of memory our explicit and implicit memory branch off to
Implicit- procedural
explicit- declarative -> semantic and episodic
name the 3 re's in the types of retrieval and explain the difference between them.
relearning- learning something again
recognition- identifying something between a few choices
recall- identifying something purely from memory
What did Elizabeth loftus say in her study about constructing memories?
People recalled experiencing memories that were fake overtime (people can construct memories)