A chronic condition marked by persistent inattention or hyperactivity.
What is ADHD/ADD?
Low stress, high self esteem, positive relationships with friends and family.
What are the signs of good mental health?
A way how a person has comfort and inner peace with their life.
What is Spiritual Health?
A feeling of worry or unease about an event or an uncertain outcome.
What is anxiety?
Cannabinoids, opoids, and stimuants.
What are the three catergories that go under substance abuse?
Strong value system, fulfillment of purpose in life, and nurturing relationships with others.
What are the signs of Spiritual Health?
A person depending an addictive substance such as drugs or alcohol.
What is substance abuse?
Abnormal or disturbed eating habits.
What is an eating disorder?
Focusing on one's awareness on the present moment while acknowledging and accepting one's thoughts, bodily sensations, and feelings.
What is mindfulness?
Feelings of severe hopelessness and sadness.
What is depression?
Stimulants and non-stimulants.
What are the two categories of medications for ADD/ADHD?
An extreme or irrational fear towards something.
What is a phobia?
Prescription drugs.
What is the most common drug available to teens?