These three European nations attempted to settle in North America during the 15th and 16th centuries.
Who were the French, the Spanish, and the English.
The thirteen English colonies in North America can be easily split into these three regions.
What are New England, the Middle Colonies, and the Southern Colonies.
Settlers from this Caribbean island brought many things with them, including their system of slavery.
What is Barbados.
Settlers in South Carolina used this natural resource to make and trade naval supplies.
What are pine trees.
Even though South Carolina started out as a proprietary colony, by 1729 colonists asked to become this type of colony.
What is a Royal Colony.
Explorers from this nation settled along major waterways in Canada and what was known as Louisiana.
What is France.
Founded in 1607, this was the first permanent English settlement in the New World.
What is Jamestown.
Large farms designed to make money for the land owners by utilizing slave labor.
What are plantations.
English settlers developed a lively trade with Native Americans, utilizing this natural resource as currency.
What are deer skins.
South Carolina settlers received these for naval supplies, designed to keep producers in business by offering payments for their goods.
What are subsidies.
Explorers, or "conquerors," from this nation were motivated by greed and the desire to spread their religion to the Native inhabitants of the New World.
What is Spain.
Pilgrims and Puritans, both seeking religious freedom in the New World, both helped to create this colony.
What is Massachusetts.
Without African labor and knowledge, these three early economic ventures would not have been possible in the Carolina colony.
What is lumber, cattle, and rice.
This immigrant from Antigua experimented with growing many different crops, including indigo and flax.
Who is Eliza Lucas Pinckney.
These Upcountry settlers turned to vigilante justice, often trying and convicting alleged criminals without the use of courts or juries.
What are Regulators.
This Spanish settlement in South Carolina was built on top of the failed French settlement Charlesfort.
What is San Felipe.
This document, written by John Locke, was designed to provide guidelines for governing the colony of Carolina.
What is the Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina.
These causes are often identified as the primary causes of the Stono Rebellion.
What is the poor treatment of slaves and the 1738 Spanish law granting freedom to runaways from English colonies.
This economic practice believed that dominant nations must export more goods than they import thus developing a positive trade imbalance.
What is mercantilism.
These lowcountry residents were so-named due to their reliance on the plantation system; they were also the richest of the South Carolina residents.
What are planters.
Named after the Queen of England, Elizabeth, early English explorers to New World named the east coast of North America this:
What is Virginia.
While the Middle Colonies were known for their diverse population, New England was defined by this lack of diversity in religion.
What is religious homogeneity.
Initially used in Virginia, land owners eventually shifted away from using this labor source in favor of slaves.
What are indentured servants.
These two crops were on the enumerated list which meant that producers of these crops must trade them directly with England.
What is rice and indigo.
This English soccer club is by far the greatest and most prestigious of all sporting institutions.