What is the Mandate of Heaven?
the belief that the Chinese emperor had a divine right to rule.
In which two river valleys did Chinese civilization begin?
The Yellow River, in the north, and the Yangtze River, in the south.
Who are the three Khans and what did they do?
Genghis Khan, Kublai Khan, and Ogodei Khan defeated China and ruled China in the Yuan dynasty until the defeat of the mongols which led China to the Ming dynasty.
Why is 15% of Japan habitable by human beings?
What are the four traditional Japanese arts that are mentioned in the text? (note: you are not required to say the Japanese form of the word)
ikebana - flower arranging
bonsai - growing and pruning of miniature trees
chanoyu - tea ceremony
What is a Manchus?
a Tungusic East Asian ethnic group native to Manchuria in Northeast Asia.
Name at least three major inventions of Ancient China.
Paper, water clocks, and sundials
(note: there are more inventions, but this is what I have)
Which dynasty is the Golden Age of China?
Ming Dynasty
What are the four major islands of Japan?
Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu
Who was St. Francis Xavier?
a Spanish Jesuit that was brought to Japan in 1549 by the Portuguese.
What is the Sun Dynasty?
a dynasty called the Sun dynasty because a tribe, Yamato tribe, said that they were descendants from the sun goddess. This dynasty was in the 3rd century AD.
What is the Silk Road?
The well-traveled pathway of goods between Europe and East Asia.
Who built the forbidden city? Why was it built?
Kublai Khan built the forbidden city. He built it for himself.
Who was the first mikado in Japan?
Jimmu Tenno
Why did Hideyoshi persecute Christians?
Because he feared that Catholic priests were working to prepare Japan for conquest by Portugal or Spain. He also feared that samurai rivals would use Christians against him and made being a Christian punishable by death.
What is a samurai?
the art or skill of fighting; the arts suitable to a warrior; warrior who practices samurai
What are two famous sites that were built in the Qin dynasty? Who were they built by?
Famous Qin dynast sites: The Great Wall of China and the Grand Canal. They were built by Zao Zheng.
What tribe took over in the Ching dynasty? Who would they never stop treating as a conquered people?
The Manchus took over in the Ching dynasty. They would never stop treating the "Sons of Han" as a conquered people.
What is a shogun and what role did emperors play during the era of shoguns?
A shogun is a supreme general; a military ruler of Japan. Emperors were figureheads during the era of shoguns, meaning, they did not have any power or any wealth to keep up their palaces.
Who were the Japanese martyrs?
The Japanese martyrs were 26 men including 20 Japanese Christians and six Franciscan missionaries who were crucified near Nagasaki in 1597.
What is the "Land of the Rising Sun"?
translation from the Japanese nippon, which uses the Chinese characters "sun" and "source"
Describe Empress Wu. What was she like? What did she do as ruler?
Empress Wu married an emperor by her beauty and wiles. Once her husband died, she married his grown son. She then poisoned her young husband and killed three of her sons. After removing her fourth and last son from the throne, Wu declared herself a man and crowned herself empress. She put to death anyone who opposed her. Empress Wu ruled ably and extended the territory of the empire south and north. She made Buddhism the official religion of the realm and gave much wealth to Buddhist monasteries. In 705, she was overthrown and her youngest son was made emperor in her place. Wu ruled during the Tang dynasty.
Who did the Chinese fight in the Opium Wars and how did this war break out? What did the Chinese secretly try to do in the Boxers Rebellion?
In the Opium Wars, the Chinese fought the Europeans because the Europeans kept trading Opium, which is a type of drug. They wanted some of the things the Chinese had so they traded Opium. China didn't want Opium, so a war broke out. In the Boxers Rebellion, China secretly tried to get rid of all the foreigners living in their country, using a secret society called the "fists" but also called the "boxers".
How did Yoritomo come to power?
When Yoritomo was a boy, his family was killed by the Taira family. They were still out to kill him. Then the grandma decided not to kill the boy because he lost his mom and dad, and the grandma lost her son. He was allowed to stay alive until he was 13, but before that, he secretly learned martial arts. When he was 13, the guards didn't kill him. He then went into war to get power with his wife, Masago. The Taira family died during the battle, so Yoritomo came to power.
What were some main points of Japanese history in the 20th century?
Japan won a naval war with Russia in 1905, declared war on China in 1930 and took over much of eastern China, invaded and occupied over Indochina in the early 1940's, attacked the United States at Pearl Harbor in 1941, and surrendered World War II in 1945.