What is a precipitate?
In aqueous solution, precipitation is the process of transforming a dissolved substance into an insoluble solid from a super-saturated solution. The solid formed is called the precipitate.
What is a catalyst?
a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself undergoing any permanent chemical change.
What are antacids?
An antacid is a substance which neutralizes stomach acidity and is used to relieve heartburn, indigestion or an upset stomach.
How do you use neutralization reactions in your daily life?
(answer may vary) Baking, medicine for heartburn.
What ions do acids and bases produce?
acids are substances that ionize (break off) in an aqueous solution to produce hydrogen (H+) ions while bases produce hydroxide (OH-) ions in solution.
What is the difference between (l) and (aq)?
The (l) sign means the substance is a liquid. The (aq) sign stands for aqueous in water and means the compound is dissolved in water.
What is the most reactive element in the activity series?
What do we use the activity series for?
The activity series of metals is an empirical tool used to predict products in displacement reactions and reactivity of metals with water and acids in replacement reactions and ore extraction. It can be used to predict the products in similar reactions involving a different metal.
What is the solubility table used for?
The purpose of the Solubility Table is to tell whether a substance will dissolve or not.
What is needed for a combustion reaction?
Heat, Oxygen and Fuel.
What type of reaction is a neutralization reaction?
double displacement reaction
What is the difference between a synthesis and a decomposition reaction?
Synthesis reactions are chemical reactions where two elements combine to make a product. ... Decomposition reactions are chemical reactions where a reactant produces another product, usually two or more.
What is produced in a neutralization reaction?
A salt and water
What is a hydrocarbon? Give an example.
Organic Compounds comprising only carbon and hydrogen are called hydrocarbons. Examples include natural gas and fuels, alkanes, alkenes, alcohols.
What is the law of conservation of mass?
The law of conservation of mass states that mass in an isolated system is neither created nor destroyed by chemical reactions or physical transformations.
What does H2CO3 decompose to?
H2O + CO2
Why would the pH of water decrease? Why is this bad?
Water with a low pH can be acidic, naturally soft and corrosive. Acidic water can leach metals from pipes and fixtures, such as copper, lead and zinc. It can also damage metal pipes and cause aesthetic problems, such as a metallic or sour taste, laundry staining or blue-green stains in sinks and drains.
In a neutralization reaction with a carbon compound, what are the products?
Carbon dioxide and water
True or False: A precipitate is always a result of an acid and a base as reactants
Explain the terms "fuel-lean" and "fuel-rich".
Lean fuel mixture is a type of air-fuel mixture that has more air than the required quantity of air for the complete combustion of the fuel. Rich fuel mixture, on the other hand, is a type of air-fuel mixture that has less air than the required quantity of air for the complete combustion of the fuel.
What is the percipitate in this reaction: KC|(aq) + AgNOg(aq) -> AgC|(s) + KNO3 (aq)
Write a balanced equation for this reaction: Copper(II) oxide and carbon dioxide are produced when copper(II) carbonate is heated.
CuCO3(s) ⭢CuO(s) + CO2 (g)
Give an example of solids reacting?
(Answer may vary) Formation of BaTiO3 by reacting BaCO3 and TiO2
How can you know if complete or incomplete combustion has occurred by looking at a flame?
complete combustion gives a blue flame. Incomplete combustion gives a yellow flame
One can notice that H2O has hydrogen in it, how come its neutral and not acidic?
It also has a hydroxide ion as well