Figurative Language
Context Clues
Point of View

In Old Yeller, Travis is described as being as scared as a chicken in a frying pan about the rabies plague.  This is what type of figurative language?

A.  hyperbole

B.  metaphor

C.  personification

D.  simile

D. simile


Jenna puts on her long white dress.  She has been waiting to wear it for months.  Her mother puts flowers in hair, and her father comes in to kiss her on the cheek.  She is excited and nervous at the same time.  She hears the music start and takes her place in front of the large double doors. She knows there is a crowd of people on the other side, and one very special person waiting for her.  Jenna is--

A. getting married

B. dreaming

C. rehearsing for her wedding

D. going to a party

A. getting married


It was hard for Timmy to hold his excitement as the day of the big trip got closer.

In the sentence above, the word hold means:

A. grasp

B. grip

C. contain

D. enclose

C. contain


Rick felt annoyed.  Cracker had improved since he'd met her, but every so often she surprised him by taking off after a squirrel or a bird.

This account is told by - 

A.  first person narrator

B.  second person narrator

C.  third person narrator

D.  a man named Rick

C. third person narrator


The snow began to fall about 4 am this morning.  The students in Mr. Jacobs' class had promised to do the snow dance.  Apparently, it worked.  By 7 am, two inches covered the ground.  The students were elated!

What can we conclude from the above passage?

A. schools will dismiss early

B. schools will be closed that day

C. Mr. Jacobs doesn't like his job

D. the storm will turn into a blizzard

B. schools were closed


In the book Old Yeller, Bud Searcy is said to be as slick as a snake about getting out of work.  This is an example of what type of figurative language.

 A.  simile

 B.  metaphor

 C.  hyperbole

 D.  personification 

A. simile


Kerri is sitting in the crowded waiting room.  There are many people around her waiting to hear their name called.  Some people are coughing, others look like they have fevers, and one little boy has a cast on his left arm.  She checks her watch.  She has been waiting for over an hour, and she doesn't feel like continuing to sit there.  However, she knows it is the only way she'll feel better.

Kerri is--

A. at the dentist

B. in the waiting room of a doctor's office

C. in a restaurant

D. it is unclear

B. in the waiting room of a doctor's office


During the baseball game, another player ran across Jimmy's leg with his cleats, sending a searing pain through his body.  It felt like a hot iron burning his leg.

All of these words could replace the word searing except--

 A. intense

B. burning

C. mild

D. stinging

C. mild


Last Saturday my family and I went on a camping trip.  My brother helped Dad set up our tent.  Unfortunately, they failed to secure the tent properly, and we all awoke with the tent falling in on us.

From what point of view is this story told?

A.  1st

B.  2nd

C.  3rd

D.  4th

A. 1st


The snow began to fall about 4 am this morning.  The students in Mr. Jacobs' class had promised to do a snow dance.  Apparently, it worked.  By 7 am, two inches covered the ground.  The students were elated!

Which question is answered in the passage?

A. What is the name of their school?

B. Why did the students want it to snow?

C. How do you do the snow dance?

D. How long did it take for the two inches to accumulate?

D. How long did it take for the two inches to accumulate?


The following is an example of what type of figurative language?

           Debbie is so skinny that I can see through her.

 A.  simile   

 B.  metaphor

 C.  hyperbole

 D.  personification 

C. hyperbole


Nathan is standing in line with Hannah next to him.  When they get to the window, he asks for two tickets.  They then enter the building and get in line. The aroma of popcorn fills their noses.  As they finally get to the counter, his hand accidently bumps against hers.  His hand feels tingly, and he starts to blush.  What is most likely happening--

A. Nathan is taking his sister to a ballgame.

B. Nathan and Hannah are on a date at the movies.

C. Nathan is taking his cousin to the fair.

D. Hannah has bumped into an old friend at a snack shop.

B.  Nathan and Hannah are on a date at the movies.


Felix is very comical; his red spiky hair, freckles, and goofy grin make him look like a fictional character.

Which word could replace the word comical?

A. cartoonish

B. realistic

C. brave

D. serious

A. cartoonish


Ben scored the winning goal at last night's game.  He was a real hero.

A. 1st person narrator

B. 2nd person narrator

C. 3rd person narrator

D. It doesn't have a point of view

C. 3rd person narrator


Emily Dickinson was a poet who never left her house.  She was never married and often feared being around people.  She spent most of her time writing poems, of which a great number were religious.  However, to this day, she is one of the best loved poets in American history.

Which question is NOT answered in the passage?

A. Was she ever married?

B. What kinds of poems did she write?

C. In what time period did she live?

D. Are her poems still read today?

C. In what time period did she live?


Which of the following is an example of alliteration?

 A. James is as clever as a fox.

B. The wind danced around Dicey's cold body.

C. Maybeth is an angel.

D. Gram's grateful grin gleamed.

D. Gram's grateful grin gleamed.


Ariel enters the small store through a narrow door.  A musky smell rushes to meet her as she glances at the tall shelves filled with bound leather.  She breathes in deep as she browses the shelves reading titles.  Where is Ariel?

A. Barnes and Noble

B. a school

C. a used bookstore

D. the library

C. a used bookstore


The dinner at the five star restaurant was ______ and ______, but it was well worth the money.

A. cheap and disgusting

B. expensive and gross

C. inexpensive and delicious

D. expensive and classy

D. expensive and classy


I loved the new restaurant that opened up down the street.  You have to try it for lunch!

A. 1st person point of view

B. 2nd person point of view

C. 3rd person point of view

D. Both A and B

A. 1st person point of view


Emily Dickinson was a famous poet, who never left her house.  She was never married and often feared being around people.  She spent most of her time writing poems, of which a great number were religious.  However, to this day, she is one of the best loved poets in American history.

What is the purpose of this passage?

A. to describe the eloquence of Dickinson's poetry

B. to inform you about what kind of person Dickinson was

C. to persuade you to buy a book of her poetry

D. to tell a story about a crazy poet

B. to inform you about what kind of person Dickinson was


"This test is so long, it will take me forever to finish it!"  

This is an example of--

A. repetition

B. personification

C. idiom

D. hyperbole

D. hyperbole


The Gilly family lives on the coastline.  It is the month of September, and instead of enjoying the end of summer, they are nailing boards up over their windows.  A radio is on in the background giving out updates every few hours.  They already made a trip to the store to stock up on canned goods and fill up their car with gas.  They aren't expecting the next few days to be as bad as before, but they still need to be prepared.

What might the family be preparing for?

A. a snow storm

B. a heat wave

C. a tornado

D. a hurricane

D. a hurricane


The reception hall was extravagantly decorated with silken tablecloths, fine china, and fragrant flowers.

Which word could replace the word extravagantly?

A. shabbily

B. expensively

C. plainly

D. simply

B. expensively


A first person narrator is someone who -  

A.  is repeating a story someone told them

B.  is involved in the story

C.  is not part of the story

D.  knows everything about the other characters in a story

B. is involved in the story


If you wanted to find out more information about Virginia's historical landmarks, which resources would be most helpful?

1. A dictionary 

2. Virginia's Parks and Recreation website 

3. A book entitled Great Places to Visit in Virginia

4. A telephone directory

5. A nonfiction book about Civil War battlefields in Virginia

6. An atlas of the United States

A. 1, 6

B. 2, 3, 4

C. 2, 3, 5

D. 3, 4, 6

C. 2, 3, 5
