From 1200 - 1450, most enslaved Africans were transported across the TSTN (Trans-Saharan Trade Network). From 1450 - 1750, however, the trade in enslaved Africans primarily took place across this route.
Transatlantic Trade System
More than anything else, this decimated Amerindian populations due to their geographic isolation.
This Catholic church in Vietnam represents..
Cultural Diffusion
Despite efforts to make impacts in the Indian Ocean Trading network by Europeans, this group maintained its central position as the dominant force in world trade.
Asian Merchants
This substance helped facilitate the spread of various empires - the Qing, the Ottomans, the Mughals - and even found its way into the nicknames associated with these empires.
The interest in these European items motivated African leaders to participate in the Transatlantic slave trade.
The social hierarchy in Spanish America was strict but malleable. Regardless, this elite status was generally reserved for these people.
Global trade expanded during the period 1450 - 1750. These two technological advancements enabled the growth of maritime trade.
Ship Building and Navigational Technology
The Portuguese made inroads throughout the Asian trade routes first. Partially through their use of these small establishments.
Trading Posts
Despite being on separate continents, the Aztec and the Chinese empires both established these relationships with their neighboring states.
These people served as the primary labor force for European efforts in the Americas during the fifteenth century.
Indigenous People
A population calamity in the Americas; A population explosion throughout Afro-Eurasia. All thanks to these items from the "New World".
The Reconquest ended Islamic control of Southern Spain. Both Jews and Muslims who were fleeing persecution under their new hardline government found refuge here.
The Ottoman Empire
Although there were many efforts to develop truly global trade routes. This product finally led to the development of worldwide trade during the period 1450 - 1750.
DAILY DOUBLE: The growth of several empires - in China, the Ottomans, Mughals, Inca - can be attributed (in part) to this system that helped governments administer their authority.
The increased importation of enslaved Africans to the West Indies can best be attributed to the growth and demand of this cash crop.
Sugar / Sugarcane
Increasing global interactions during the period 1450 - 1750 led to the development of various cultural practices, mixing beliefs, and adaptations made by different communities. All of these things represent...
Syncretism / Syncretic Communities
These four historical changes can be connected by a string in our imaginations. In order...
What is...
The Protestant Reformation
The Catholic Reformation
The Enlightenment
The Industrial Revolution
These organizations allowed for British and Dutch imperial efforts in South and East Asia.
Joint Stock Companies
This empire - based on the map above - benefitted the most from the patterns of global trade displayed.
This tax was imposed upon Siberians by their Russian authorities. You might compare it to the Ottoman "jizya".
Creole, Mestizo, Mulatto. These terms all represent this system that developed in the Americas after European arrival.
Caste | Racial Hierarchy
DAILY DOUBLE: This metal plate symbolizing the Crucifixion of Christ was used by Japanese authorities to determine who was or was not a Christian. These historical developments help explain the spread of Christianity to East Asia.
Merchant Activity | Missionary Work | Catholic Reformation
The British East India Company and the Dutch East India Company are both representative of this protective economic system that dominated during the period 1450 - 1750.
The Mughals and Ottomans share many similarities. These three similarities are the most significant commonalities.
What is/are...
Cultural and Religious Diversity
Policies of Accommodation
The use of Gunpowder Weapons to conquer territory.