respiratory range
12-20 breaths per minute
Cold drink before obtaining oral temperature?
what is a low reading.
method used to obtain pulse rate?
What is palpation
What is the chain part that is a place for pathogens to grow
What is reservoir
What precaution used respiratory hygiene/cough etiquette, sharps safety, sterile instruments and clean/disinfected environmental surfaces?
what is standard precautions
normal pulse range
what is 60-100 bpm
what is diaphoresis while obtaining a TA temperature reading?
what is a low reading.
What must be done to the ear of an adult when obtaining an aural temperature?
what is lift up and back
stage of infection where symptoms are subsiding
What is declining
larger than a virus, single-cell microorganism that lives in tissues such as MRSA (methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus)
Ideal blood pressure?
what is under 120/80
Blood pressure cuff is too small for the patient's arm?
what is an erroneous, high reading.
method used when obtaining blood pressure
what is auscultation
What is the part of the chain that is the method that the pathogen is transmitted to a new host.
what is mode of transmission
Smallest microorganism, requires a living cell for reproduction and activity such as Hepatitis C
What is a virus.
the average temperature?
obtaining a pulse using your thumb?
you will obtain your own pulse.
The length of time that pulse rates and respiration rates are recorded in?
What is 1 minute
what ist he stage of infection when there is no S&S, when the host is exposed to when S&S appear
What is incubation
microorganisms that are mold or mushrooms such as candida.
What is fungi.
a pulse greater than 100 bpm
what is tachycardia
Tympanic temperature on patient with impacted cerumen?
What is an inaccurate reading.
The part of the blood pressure when heart is at rest.
what is diastolic
what is the part of the chain that must be present to create the disease process
what is the pathogen or infectious agent
single celled organism whos name means "first animals" such as plasmodium that causes malaria.
What are protozoa.
what is the 5th vital sign?
what is pain
Using an adult blood pressure cuff on a pediatric patient?
erroneously low reading.
What is the name for the absence of sound sometimes occurring between phase 1 and phase II or III?
what is the auscultatory gap.
What is the stage of infection when symptoms first appear?
what is prodomal
parasitic worms which do not multiply but rather mature and produce offspring such as a tape worm.
What are helminths.
The term for measurements such as height and weight.
what is Anthropometric measurements
Not having patient remove excess clothing, keys, wallets, phones, handbags while weighing patient?
what is a false and high reading.
What is the name for the phases I -V heard while obtaining a blood pressure?
What is Korotkoff sounds.
the part of the chain of infection that the pathogen is entering a potential host
What is portal of entry
Abnormally folded proteins that are not living and are only transmitted by ingestion such as the one that causes BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy)
What are prions.