Consciousness means
This is the lightest stage of sleep
What is N1 or stage 1
This sleeping problem is simply the inability to sleep.
If not for cues such as the sunrise and sunset, people would act as if a day were ____ hours long
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What is 25
This is when someone uses drugs or other substances for a while, so their body craves it just to feel normal
Addiction or Tolerance
What are three ways you can alter your state of consciousness?
When one sees a word whose text is in a different color - for example "green" that is actually in the color red, and struggles to state the actual word written, this is known as...
What is the stroop effect.
This is a breathing interruption that occurs during sleep
Sleep apnea
Dreamers with this feel their hearts racing, and they gasp for air. They may suddenly sit up, talk incoherently or thrash about. They do not fully wake up. In the morning they may recall a feeling or an image from the night terror
What are night terrors
This type of drug that can cause impairments in coordination, perception, memory, learning, and could cause anxiety, confusion, and hallucinations.
Altered state of consciousness in which the person is especially open to suggestion.
What is hypnosis
REM stands for
Rapid Eye Movement
This is a rare sleep problem that can cause people to suddenly fall asleep no matter where they are
Freud theorized that dreams reflected a person's ____________ wishes and urges
What is unconscious
These speed up the heart and breathing rate
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Information stored on this level is unavailable to awareness under most circumstances
Deep sleep begins with this stage
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Stage 3
What are two of the three ways our alternate consciousness can be achieved
Mediation, Hypnosis, and Drug Use
What are two reasons as to why we sleep?
Is vital to a persons overall mental and physical health.
Reduces stress and anxiety.
Helps strengthen the thought process.
Increases the quality of life
Narcotics and Alcohol are both example of
Focusing on a particular stimulus. This makes our senses keener (stronger, more intense). Example: to pay attention in class, you must screen out the rustling of paper and the scraping of chairs.
What is selective attention
If someone sleeps for 8 hours how often will they go through all of the stages of sleep
five times
The deepest stage of sleep is known as this...
What is N3 or stage 3
At what stage does sleepwalking occur?
Stage 3 or N3
"hypnagogic hallucinations" like being attacked by someone or a demon occur during this. It has also been linked as a potential cause of people claiming they were abducted by aliens.
What is sleep paralysis