Terms 1
Terms 2
Multiple Choice
In which New Deal were these pieces of legislation included? Civilian Conservation Corps, Tennessee Valley Authority, Federal Emergency Relief Act, National Industrial Recovery Act
The New Deal - First 100 Days (1st one)
Define “War Powers Act”
War Powers Act (1941) Gave US president power to reorganize the federal government and create new agencies, to establish programs censoring news info, abridging civil liberties, to seize foreign owned property, award government contracts without bidding
President Hoover sought to relieve the initial devastation o the Great Depression by... A) Indirect relief from individual states and the private sector, in addition to advocating for volunteerism B) Hiring more federal gov't employees C) Enacting radical reform that centralized federal authority over banks and businesses D) Fixing prices of goods and manipulating the currency
Put the following terms in chronological order: Rape of Nanjing, Social Security Act, Executive Order 9066
Social Security Act, Rape of Nanjing, Exec. Order
What was the main cause of the recession of 1937-1938? A) the Dust Bowl B) a pullback on federal credit programs C) bank failures D) World War II
What was the Atlantic Charter, who signed it, and (generally) what did it say?
(14 August 1941) --Signed by Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain, and --Laying out what post war world will look like --Similar to Wilson's 14 Points
Define “Yalta Conference” and give the date.
Yalta Conference: Meeting of the Allied Leaders (FDR, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin) held in Feb 1945 to plan the final stages of WWII and postwar arrangements
Which of the following programs is NOT correctly matched to its purpose? A)CCC—employed jobless young men in conservation projects B) FERA—directed relief to the states to fund work projects C) AAA—played an active federal role in agricultural planning and price setting D) NRA—provided jobs through federal construction projects
Put the following in chronological order: Bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Bomb dropped on Hiroshima, FDR elected 1st time, Zoot Suit Riot
FDR elected, Zoot Suit Riot, Bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Bomb dropped on Nagasaki
What was the Holocaust and what groups were targeted?
“final solution of the Jewish question”--extermination of “racial enemies” and undesirable people i.e mentally challenged, crippled, gypsies, homosexuals, “inferior races”, etc. Began in 1933 when Hitler got to power; 1942 marked beginning of death camps
Why did the U.S. And Mexico initiate the bracero program?
(1942) As more people are going to fight in WWII, there is a shortage of labor at home, so the US wants to bring in people from Mexico to work
This was the pice of legislation allowing the president to give arms to countries whose defense was deemed vital to US security
(1941) The Lend-Lease Act. The president was FDR
Which of these did NOT increase during World War II? A) the need for child care B) juvenile delinquency C) the rate of communicable diseases D) the teenage dropout rate
Put the following in chronological order: Pearl Harbor, FDR elected for the 1st time, VE Day
FDR elected for the 1st time, Pearl Harbor, VE Day
What was the Potsdam Conference?
Potsdam Conference: 13 July - 2 August 1945 Future of defeated and occupied Axis lands, Soviet occupation of Eastern Europe, reparations/economic aid to rebuild Clash over issues but all want unconditional surrender
Why was the Dawes Plan created?
(1924) Dawes Plan to aid Germany Charles Dawes and Herbert Hoover To reduce Germany’s debt, stretch out time to pay it, and US banks lend funds to Germany Stabilize German currency
Why was the Neutrality Act of 1939 passed? What did some of the previous neutrality acts do?
1939: War in Europe Hitler divides poland with Stalin Neutrality Act of 1939: All aid to allies Other ones: Pres must embargo sale of goods to belligerents, call to quarantine all aggressors, weapons sale to Great Britain, France, Chinais
The “Double V” Campaign included leaders like (also define this campaign in the answer) A) A Philip Randolph B) FDR C) Henry Luce D) Huey Long
A, African Americans conduct “double V” campaign to mobilize allied victory and for own rights Fair housing and equal employment Lays foundation for postwar civil rights movement A Philip Randolph begins mobilization against discrimination
Put the following in chronological order: D-Day, Executive Order 8802, Potsdam Conference
Executive Order 8802, D-Day, Potsdam Conference
Give a few reasons for/against the dropping of the atomic bomb and name the 2 cities on which they were dropped.
(Open ended question) Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
What were the differences between Executive Order 8802 and Executive Order 9066?
8802: (1941) bans discrimination in defense industries and government 9066: (1942) bans Japanese Americans from certain military areas; forced evacuation
Define “Zoot Suit Riots”. Give the date, duration, and reasons why it started
Zoot Suit Riots: 4 June 1943: sailors looking for Mexican Americans dressed in “zoot suits”, assault random victims, riots for 5 days These suits to them signified lack of patriotism, but only make up < 10% of hispanic community’s youth Many served in armed forces or in war industries Wanted government to protect them from discrimination Contain riots by ruling some sections of LA off limits to military and wearing these suits were offenses Many Mexicans worry they will be next to go to internment camps
Define "Federal Project #1"
WPA gives money for Federal Project No. 1, an umbrella agency covering writing, theater, music, and visual arts to commission unemployed artist and intellectuals. Enriched cultural lives and left a legacy
Put the following in chronological order: Hitler's death, FDR's death, Munich conference, Atlantic Charter, War Powers Act
Munich Conference, Atlantic Charter, War Powers Act, FDR's death, Hitler's death
What are the parts that every essay must have?
Title, thesis/answers question asked, intro paragraph, supporting paragraphs, examples/proof for argument, concluding sentence/paragraph