Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Support Group
Seth Edwards
Name the 3 types of groups UBW offers
open share, topic-focused, activity-focused
Mondays at 6pm
Bipolar Support Group
Do-dad on June 23rd
Serene Sunday / National Let It Go Day
Name the facilitator who created Show Your True Colours
BONUS: name other facilitators who have run this group
Thom Mason
BONUS: Amy Yennella, Ashleigh Zappala, Seth Edwards
Keeping Up Our Commitments
Alan Esquite
The date that UBW was made official.
July 7, 2021
Wednesday at 12pm
Addressing Anxiety
Do-dad on May 10th
Feeling Friday / National Trust Your Intuition Day
Name the founder of Journaling Journey
BONUS: name other facilitators who ran this group
Brittany Arnold
BONUS: Morgan Pfau and Ashleigh Zappala
Coffee and Gratitude
Randy Elfenbein
Approximately how many groups does UBW CURRENTLY have running per week?
60 groups
Friday at 11am
Dealing with Depression
Do-dad on May 25th
Singing Saturday / National Sing Out Day
Name the facilitator who was the original facilitator of Too Much Stuff.
BONUS: Name other facilitators who ran this group
Carolyn Quinn
BONUS: Yvonne Tran, Emily McCall
Overcoming Obstacles
Bianca Cicchino
Which group has the longest duration of any other group?
Recovery and Wellness Marathon (Holiday 2021, ran from 4pm-9pm)
Saturday at 3pm
Color Me Healthy
Do-Dad on June 3rd
Meme Monday / National Egg Day
Name the facilitator who created Big Time Fun Party
BONUS: Name the facilitator who currently runs the group
Randy Elfenbein
BONUS: Julia Gimbel
Relaxation Tools and Techniques
Amy Yenella
Which group has the shortest duration of any other group?
Civic Action Engagement Initiative Overview (2023, runs for about 30 minutes)
Sunday at 7pm
Do-Dad on May 9th
Thoughtful Thursday / Lost Sock Memorial Day
Name the facilitator who created Coping Skills and Lightbulb.
BONUS: Name the facilitators who currently run these groups
Morgan Pfau
BONUS: CS: Ashleigh Zappala Lightbulb: Yvonne Tran