Who are the 4 major characters in this unit?
Samuel, Saul, David, Solomon
The first human king of Israel?
David was said to be a man_________________?
after God's own heart
What did Solomon request from God?
An understanding heart to discern good and evil
David's military leader's name?
Time of the Judges
What was one mistake that Saul made as King?
Assumed role of Priest, Spared king Agag,
David would play ________ to help sooth Saul's anxiety?
The harp
Who was Solomon's mother?
Who did Saul seek advice from in order to speak to Samuel?
Witch, Medium
She is Barren
Who did David kill as an act of great faith in His God?
What did Solomon build as a fulfillment of Nathans prophecy to David?
Temple for God
Samuel was a, "multi-tasker." What were roles he fulfilled as leader of Israel?
Priest, Judge, Prophet
How does King Saul die?
He takes his own life?
What were the two key events in David's life that would be considered, "Pivotal moments?"
Sin with Bathsheba and Davidic Covenant
What was Solomon's sin that caused the nation of Israel to go from the United to the Divided Kingdom?
Followed after his wives gods
What was Samuel's only weakness in the narrative?
His sons disobdience
He anointed both Saul and David as Kings
What caused the nation of Israel to desire a king?
To be like all the other nations
What family tragedy's are associated with, "The sword not departing from David's house?"
Baby died, Daughter violated, Son kills brother, Son conspires against him,
How long did Solomon rule over Israel?
40 years
How many songs did Solomon compose?