What does "UN" stand for?
United Nations
Name a specialized agency of the UN
Describe: Who are UN peacekeepers?
Military and civilian personnel who work for UN peacekeeping
What color are the helmets worn by UN peacekeepers?
In which city was the United Nations Charter signed?
San Francisco
True or False: Specialized Agencies work alongside the UN.
True or False: A UN peacekeeper has not died while serving for UN peacekeeping.
What is the main goal of UN peacekeeping missions?
To maintain peace and security
How many main organs does the United Nations have?
When it comes to force and weapons, UN peacekeepers can _________.
Which UN body authorizes peacekeeping missions?
UN Security Council
Who is the current Secretary-General of the United Nations?
António Guterres
In one sentence describe what UN special agencies are.
What does it mean to say UN peacekeeping is made up of multinational members?
Who are the p5 of the UN Security Council?
USA, France, UK/Britain, China, Russia
True or False: New specialized agencies may start if they are seen as necessary in the world.
What does it mean to say UN peacekeepers practice neutrality and impartiality?
Name a current UN peacekeeping mission.
Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Western Lebanon Sahara, Golan, Cyprus, Abeyi, Kosovo, South Sudan