The number of preambulatory and operative clauses
What is 3
The formal name of Parli Pro
What is parliamentary procedure?
The UN headquarters is located in this city
New York City, USA
This many girls remain out of school
What is 119.3 million?
This popular social media platform is known for its short, viral videos, often set to music
What is TikTok?
This part of a resolution provides background information and justification for addressing the issue
What is a Preambulatory Clause
This is the formal way a delegate asks to speak during a debate
What is raising a point or motion?
The UN’s goal is to promote these three things around the world.
What are peace, security, and human rights?
In this % of countries, there is at least ONE restriction preventing women from doing the same job as men
What is 51%?
This video game, popular for its “battle royale” mode, became one of the biggest games in 2020
What is Fortnite?
These clauses outline the specific actions the UN or member states should take
What are operative clauses?
When a delegate wants to ask a speaker a question, they can use this point
What is a Point of Inquiry?
The UN has this many official member countries.
What is 193?
This is the estimated annual gender gap by 2030? (hint: billions)
What is $360 billion?
This popular tv-show is based in Philadelphia
What is Abbott Elementary?
In formal writing, each operative clause must start with this type of word
What is a strong action verb?
If a delegate needs a personal break, such as to use the restroom, they can raise this point
What is a point of personal privilege.
This organ of the UN is responsible for maintaining international peace and security and has five permanent members
What is the Security Council?
This many countries had laws guaranteeing rights of citizens to access to public information
What is 140?
This team won a Super Bowl in Philadelphia
What is the Philadelphia Eagles?
In Model UN, clauses should be written in this grammatical tense to sound formal and official
What is a present tense?
If a delegate believes the chair has made a procedural mistake, they can raise this
What is a point of order?
These five countries hold permanent seats on the Security Council and have veto power.
What are the United States, China, Russia, France, and the United Kingdom?
$3.6 trillion USD is stolen and used for this
What is bribes and corruption?
This famous Philly sandwich is made with steak, cheese, and often onions, and is a must-try food in the city.
What is a Philly cheesesteak?