What is the name of the program FDR used help Great Britain by letting them borrow war materials?
Lend-Lease Act
The campaign to fight fascism in Europe and fight racism in the United States was called ...
The Double V Campaign
Which Americans were forced to live in internment camps during the War?
Japanese Americans
What was the name of the program that provided housing loans and money for college for veterans after the war?
G.I. Bill
These acts kept the US out of the war in Europe by outlawing the sale or transport of any war materials.
Neutrality Acts
How was the conservation of resources during World War II DIFFERENT from World War I?
They were REQUIRED to ration materials.
Some internees continued to re-create "normal" life in the camps. They joined baseball teams, created schools, and built furniture. What role were they demonstrating?
What was island hopping?
Strategy of fighting island by island, pushing Japan back.
What was the Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education in 1954?
Segregation is unconstitutional.
What was the name of the program to help britain by giving them old ships in exchange for access to their military bases worldwide?
Destroyers for Bases program
Riots between White sailors and young Mexican American Youth during World War II were called....
the Zoot Suit Riots.
What did the Supreme Court decide in Korematsu vs. United States?
That Internment was constitutional as a wartime measure.
The Manhattan Project
The banking practice that limited the ability for poor or people of color to move to the suburbs was called...
Why did the Japanese decide to attack the US?
We sanctioned their actions in China by refusing to sell them oil and steel.
What was one similarity between WWI and WWII for women?
They supported the war by replacing men at work who went to war.
Internment was UNconstitutional.
What Japanese city was bombed first?
Government programs that tried to prepare the public for a possible Soviet invasion or attack were called....
Civil Defense.
What was the immediate effect of Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor?
The US declares war on Japan and enters WWII
The government program to encourage Mexicans to migrate for war work was called...
Braceros Program
The State Department actively blocked messages about the Holocaust and put several obstacles in the way of granting visas for refugees. What role did they play in refugee policy?
What was the immediate effect of dropping the atomic bomb on Nagasaki?
Japan unconditionally surrendered.
The sudden giant increase in the number of births after World War II was called...
The Baby Boom!