Sherman's "March to the Sea"
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Meaning the ones that benefit from the war or start the war are not the same ones that fight the war. 

What is "a rich man's war but a poor man's fight?"


What General Sherman said he was going to make Georgia do.

What is "make Georgia howl?"


The day and location the last slaves received word that they were free.

What is June 19, 1865 in Galveston, Texas?


The amount of money a person in the North could pay someone to take their place in the draft. 

What is $300?


The place where the majority of the battles during the Civil War occurred.

What is the 100 mile stretch between Richmond, Virginia and Washington, D. C.?


The names given to the Civil War by the north.

What is 1. The war of the Rebellion. 2. The War Against Slavery 3. The War for Abolition. 4. The War for the Union.?


The city that General Sherman "gave" to Abraham Lincoln as a Christmas present in 1864.

What is Savannah, Georgia?


The man that killed Abraham Lincoln.

Who is John Wilkes Booth?


The age limits to draft a person in the North and in the South.

What is 45 in the North and 65 in the South? (because of the population difference)


The general that was nicknamed "Lincoln's Butcher."

Who is Ulysses S. Grant?


The names given to the Civil War by the South.

What is 1. The War for Southern Independence. 2. The War of Secession. 3. The War for Southern Rights. 4. The War Against Northern Aggression.?


The two state that were part of General Sherman's "March to the Sea."

What are 1. Georgia and 2. South Carolina. 


The location where Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered to Union General Ulysses S. Grant.

What is Appomattox Courthouse?


The reasons why there are two different names for the same battle in the Civil War. 

What is the North would name battles after a landmark and the South would name battles after a nearby town (and sometimes a landmark)?


The side that benefitted the most the longer the Civil War lasted.

What is the South or the Confederacy?


The four things we discussed that were used for the first time during the Civil War. 

What are 1. Grooved bullets. 2. Iron-plated warships. 3. Railroads. 4. Photography.?


The name given to General Sherman's men.

What are "Sherman's Bummers?"


The man that became president after Abraham Lincoln was assassinated.

Who is Andrew Johnson?


The reasons why the North though the war would be over quickly and underestimated the South.

What are 1. The North had the majority of the population. 2. The North had the majority of the railroads. 3. The North had the majority of the factories. 4. The North had the benefit of all the new technology (like the telegraph)?


The amount of success the North had in blocking ships coming in and out of the Confederacy by the end of the war. 

What is 50%?


The mistake the Confederacy made after the First Battle of Bull Run that could have ended the war. 

What is chasing after the Union soldiers and capturing Washington, D.C.?


The two goals of Sherman's "March to the Sea."

What is 1. Defeat the Confederate army and capture Atlanta, Georgia. 2. Tear apart the South as much as he could.?


The two reasons why the Emancipation Proclamation did NOT free any slaves. 

What is 1. The Confederacy considered themselves their own country and therefore, Lincoln could not tell them what to do. 2. Lincoln did not feel he had the authority to make "border states" end slavery and if he did he was afraid they would secede.?


The names of the two flags used by the Confederacy. One was the official flag and the other was only for use in battle. 

What is the "Stars and Bars" and the Confederate Battle Flag?


The amount of years that had passed between the Declaration of Independence and the Gettysburg Address. 

What is 87 years? ("Four score and seven years ago...")
