Titans of Energy
Cousins of Unitil
Powered Superheroes
Howdy Partners

Flip a switch to see the contributions of this relentless inventor who also built the first-ever power plant.

Who is Thomas Edison.


This "monster," first brought to life in the 1930's, electrified horror movies and became the wretch of dreams.

Who is Frankenstein's Monster.


There "was green alligators and long-necked geese, humpty-backed camels and chimpanzees; some cats and rats and elephants, but sure as you're born, the loveliest of all," was this.

What is the unicorn. (The Unicorn by the Irish Rovers)


The dark sense of humor gets most of the attention, but its this villain's skills as a master chemist and creator of deadly gases that often lie at the core of his most dangerous schemes.

Who is the Joker.


If you're feeling like a "hero," you can support this organization.

What is the Red Cross.


This scientist is considered the father of alternating current, not the electric car.

Who is Nikola Tesla.


Grab your hat, and your whip, and join in on the hunt to stop the bad guys from unleashing an otherworldly, face-melting energy.

What is Raiders of the Lost Ark.


The number 42 is widely known among galactic hitchhikers as the answer explaining the purpose of life, everything, and this.

What is the Universe.


All we're saying is we've never seen Brian Chaput and this "worthy" hero in the same room.

Who is Thor.


You better get your sea legs to learn about piping plovers, marine life and microgrids.

What is the Shoals Marine Lab on Appledore Island.


This professional astronomer gave us a fixed scale measurement tool, without which, it would be impossible to calculate heating degree days.

Who is Anders Celsius.


In this movie, you'll need four wheels, trash and 1.21 "jigawatts" to arrive in October 21st, 2015.

What is Back to the Future.


The process of various separate entities being made into a whole, or the general intended purpose of making the entire SMG play a silly trivia game.

What is Unification (Unity is acceptable).


This self-proclaimed "King of Fear" typically uses a hallucinogenic gas to force his prey to relive their worst fears.  For this crowd, this probably involves a need for 50 crews, with none available.

Who is Scarecrow. (Batman Begins)


Plant a tree, paint a wall, pack a meal or build a shed.  All in a day's work.

What is the United Way Day of Caring.


This modern energy tycoon may end up shuttling people to and from outer space, but his other electrification projects focus on new battery technologies.

Who is Elon Musk.


This movie features a world without power or Dry Land.

What is Waterworld.


A single, form-fitting article of clothing, that would definitely not be considered business casual in any office save for the one across the street from headquarters.

What is a unitard.


Hailing from the fictional African nation of Wakanda, this omega class mutant and member of the X-Men can control the weather.

Who is Storm.


The face of this Unitil partner is a freakishly tall lobster named Crusher.  Who can dunk.

Who are the Portland Red Claws.


Don't be resistant when you admit that this scientist is credited with the true beginnings of electrical circuit analysis.

Who is Georg Simon Ohm.


A one-worded movie about four scientists determined to rid the world of slime.

What is Ghostbusters.


Doctor Who's only earth-based employer commanded for much of modern history by Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart, then later by his daughter Kate.

What is Unit.


While electrical engineer and lineman Maxwell "Max" Dillon was repairing a power line, a freak lightning accident turned him into this Spiderman arch-villain and member of the so-called Sinister 6.

Who is Electro.


This Unitil partner regularly hosts "A Smarter Energy Future" with John DiNapoli.

What is FATV (Fitchburg Public Access TV).
