Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
A: My dad is tall. B: My dad _____________. a. is, too b. are, too. c. isn't either
a. is, too
A: Does your fiancé work in a high school? B: No, he _____________ in a high school. He works in a college. a. works b. don't work c. doesn't work
c. doesn't work
A: This dress is _____________ pretty. B: I know! It's expensive, too. a. very b. a lot c. too
a. very
A. You __________ get up early tomorrow. B. I know! I finally have a day off. a. have to b. don't have to c. haven't to
b. don't have to
A. Is your ceiling leaking? B. Yes. I _____________ for the building manager to fix it. a. am waiting b. wait c. am wait
a. am waiting
Maria __________ big, blue eyes. a. have b. has c. is
b. has
Do Cindy and Jason live in New York? No, they ___________. a. didn't b. don't c. aren't
b. don't
A: Where are you going? B: I'm _____________ a new car! a. go to buy b. going to buy c. buy
b. going to buy
A. How often do you go to the cinema? B. I go ____________ Friday. a. every b. once a week c. never
a. every
A. What is Karen doing? B. She ___________________ for the final exam right now. a. studies b. is studying c. is study
b. is studying
Daniel isn't a teacher, and John and Sandra __________________. a. are, too b. aren't, either c. isn't, either
b. aren't, either
Lily doesn't work on weekends, and Tom __________________. a. don't, either b. don't, too c. doesn't, either
c. doesn't, either
A: Your new jacket is really yellow. B: I know. I think it's TOO yellow! I _______________ it. a. doesn't want to exchange b. want to exchange c. exchanges
b. want to exchange
A. How often _____________________? B. Every Monday and Wednesday. a. do your friends goes b. your friends goes to English class c. does your friend go to English class
c. does your friend go to English class
A. Are there a lot of windows in your new apartment? B. ________________. There's only one. a. Yes, there are b. No, there isn't c. No, there aren't
c. No, there aren't
My friend is outgoing _______ he's a little quiet. a. is b. and c. but
c. but
A: _______________ any nephews or nieces? B: Yes, I have two! a. Do you b. You have c. Do you have
c. Do you have
A: Jim ___________ those jeans. B: Why? What's the problem? a. exchanges b. doesn't want to exchange c. wants to exchange
c. wants to exchange
Look at the schedule. How often does the ESL class meet?
The ESL class meets twice a week. The ESL class meets every Monday and Wednesday. The ESL class meets on Mondays and Wednesdays.
A. How many bedrooms are in their apartment? B. ________________ bedrooms. a. There are any b. There isn't any c. There aren't any
c. There aren't any
"I am from Philadelphia." What is the question?
Where are you from?
"I visit my grandparents on holidays." What is the question?
1. When do you visit your grandparents? 2. Who do you visit on holidays?
A: Are we going to run errands today? B: No, we ________________ run errands today. We'll go tomorrow. a. are going to b. aren't going to c. not going to
b. aren't going to
When does the movie club meet?
The movie club meets on Friday, June 5 at 8P.M. The movie club meets once a month. The movie club meets once every two weeks.
There __________________ bus stop near here. a. aren't any b. is not c. isn't a
c. isn't a