Inferences, Suffixes, Compare & Contrast
Conversational turns, predictions, cause and effect
Advice, collocations, time markers, tag questions, intonation
Ask for and give reasons, fact and opinion
Give and support opinion, truthfulness of a claim, context clues

What is a suffix?

Something you add to the end of a word in order to slightly change the meaning. 


What is a prediction?

A guess about what may occur in the future. 


What is giving advice?

When you tell someone what you think they should do or when you give suggestions. 


What is the difference between asking for and giving a reason?

You ask for a reason if you don't know, and you give a reason when the person you're talking to doesn't know. 


What does it mean to support an opinion?

It means to use evidence to prove your claim. 


What is an inference?

An educated guess based on prior knowledge and context.


What is cause and effect?

Cause is the reason why something happens, and effect is what actually happens. 


Where is a tag question located?

At the end of a sentence. 


Please say whether each sentence is asking for a reason or giving a reason:

- I went to the party because I was hoping to see a long lost friend.

- Why did you tell your boss you would come to work late?

- Franky helped you because he respects you. 

- Giving

- Asking

- Giving


Please identify the support of the opinion in the following paragraph:

I enjoy a healthy diet made up of fruits, vegetables, bread, meat, and dairy. This healthy mix gives me energy and many nutrients. According to Dr. Hansen, eating more fruits, vegetables, and protein leads to a longer and happier life.

According to Dr. Hansen, eating more fruits, vegetables, and protein leads to a longer and happier life.


What is the difference between comparing and contrasting?

Comparing looks at how two things are similar, and contrasting looks at how two things are different. 


Please think of at least three questions you could ask when taking conversational turns. 

What do you think, do you agree, how about you, and you know?


When does intonation rise for a tag question, and when does it fall?

It rises when you are not sure of the answer, and it falls when you are pretty confident of the answer. 


What is the difference between fact and opinion?

Fact is something that has been proven to be true. An opinion may or may not be true. 

How can context clues help you?

They can assist you in inferring the meaning of an unknown word. They can make you understand a text or speech more. 


Please add a suffix to each of the following words:

- Jump

- Smell

- Inform

- Intel

- Jumping, jumper, jumps

- Smells, smelling, smeller.

- Informs, information

- Intelligence


Which of the following is a good prediction: The monkey keeps running in the street, and cars have to swerve to avoid hitting him.

a. One day the monkey will get hit

b. The monkey will stop running in the road

c. The monkey will sing a song

a. One day the monkey will get hit


Please find three noun-adjective collocations in the sentence: I often get thirsty, so I bring a soft drink to me when I go to the basketball court. I'm a big drinker. There's a good chance I'll sweat a lot too, so I need the fluids. 

Soft drink, big drinker, good chance. 


Please decide whether each statement below is a fact or opinion:

1. Gravity definitely exists, which is why humans can't fly.

2. I believe football is the best sport since it relies on cardio and you learn to use your legs better. 

3. A lot of times when women give birth, either the mother or the newborn child ends up dying. 

1. Fact

2. Opinion

3. Fact


Which of the following are things you consider when evaluating the truthfulness of a claim: 

- Author 

- Publishing company

- Reviews

- Number of words

- Funny quotes

- Author 

- Publishing company

- Reviews


Which of the following is a good inference you could make: I enjoy running. I run a few miles everyday. Usain Bolt is my role model and I hope to be as fast as him one day. 

a. The runner will enter a competition like a marathon or the Olympics one day

b. The runner will drop out of school

c. The runner will start to eat more food and gain weight. 

a. The runner will enter a competition like a marathon or the Olympics one day


Which part of the sentences are causes, and which are the effects? 

James woke up late, so he came to class late.

The daughter kept crying, so the parent yelled for her to stop.

The hurricane hit the town, so buildings were destroyed.

Cause: James woke up late

Effect: So he came to class late.

Cause: The daughter kept crying

Effect: So the parent yelled for her to stop.

Cause: The hurricane hit the town

Effect: So buildings were destroyed.


Please list at least three words or phrases that are common time markers. 

Now, before, after, then, next, (three days) ago. 


Please decide whether each statement below is a fact or opinion:

1. In my opinion, movies are better than books.

2. Doctors save many lives in emergency rooms.

3. My sister thinks that all men and women should learn to cook. 

1. Opinion

2. Fact

3. Opinion


Please look at 1 or 2 context clues you could use to infer the meaning of the words in brackets: Death is [inevitable] for all creatures. Many people still don't know what happens from death onward, but many religions say that you need to behave well while living since you will be [held accountable] for your behavior.

For inevitable, since we know death is something that will happen one day, so inevitable means eventually. For held accountable, before this it is said you should behave well, so that means the reason you should behave well is because you must answer for everything you did. 
