comes from the Latin word caput, meaning "head," emphasizing the their role as the leader of a kitchen.
The term _______ evolved from the concept of physical tension or pressure to encompass emotional strain and, later, its use in language and other fields.
The term _______ evolved to refer to things that are open, accessible, or available to all people, such as spaces, services, and events. Its meaning also extended to refer to the collective body of citizens or the general population.
Originally referred to a payment made to Roman soldiers for the purchase of salt, and over time came to mean any regular, fixed payment for work or services rendered.
The term entered English in the late 17th century, retaining the French meaning of a habitual or regular sequence of actions, often tied to daily life or work. Over time, it also gained connotations of mechanical repetition or a fixed program in both personal and professional contexts.
The idea of following or chasing after something to encompass a broader meaning of striving toward or seeking after a goal, idea, or objective.
Thus, a _______ originally meant someone who writes or edits for newspapers, reporting daily events. The term came into English in the 17th century as printed newspapers became more common and the profession of reporting developed.
Which country is known as the "Land of the Rising Sun"?
By the 16th century, _______ in English had expanded to encompass not just physical tussles but also figurative challenges, such as internal conflicts or efforts to overcome adversity. Its modern usage retains these layered meanings, reflecting both the act of striving against difficulty and the condition of hardship itself.
Refers to withdrawing from one's job or professional career, typically due to age or after long service. Over time, it has come to encompass any kind of withdrawal from regular activity, whether in the context of work, military service, or even from a busy social life.
To offer or provide, counsel or guidance. Together, they conveyed the idea of offering one's opinion or guidance to help someone make a decision or solve a problem.
Which continent has the fewest countries?
Antarctica (zero countries)
When combined, the term _______ emerged to describe a person who actively engages in work, such as aiding the poor, providing social services, or supporting nonprofit organizations
charity worker
Which country was formerly known as Persia?
double points
This describes the process of making something seem alive through movement, whether in the form of drawings, puppetry, or computer-generated imagery.
What is the name of the largest volcano in the solar system, and where is it located?
Olympus Mons, located on Mars.
Double points
This word entered English in the late 16th century, initially describing things originating in distant or foreign lands. By the 17th and 18th centuries, it gained connotations of rarity, beauty, or novelty, often associated with something unusual or strikingly different.
Thus, _______ evolved from the idea of assigning or placing something in a favorable position to the modern sense of granting permission, approving, or enabling someone or something to do something.
This word entered English in the 16th century to describe a "running course" or the progress of a person's life, especially in a chosen field of work.
By the 19th century, this word had settled into its modern meaning: a long-term profession or the trajectory of a person’s working life. The sense of purposeful progression or advancement in a field still reflects its origins in the idea of following a defined path or course.
Which language has the most native speakers worldwide?
Mandarin Chinese
Originally, _______ conveyed the sense of something occurring by chance or luck. Over time, its meaning broadened to include any event or occurrence, regardless of whether it was fortuitous or not.
Signifies a position or condition that provides benefits or a superior chance of success.
By the late Middle English period, the noun _______ came into use, specifically referring to the state or experience of enduring pain, distress, or hardship. Its modern sense encompasses both physical and emotional pain, retaining its connection to endurance and hardship.
What is the capital of Iceland?
win 700 points.
The verb _______ developed in English by the 17th century, originally meaning "to give prominence to" or "to characterize." This usage extended from the idea of something being a "distinctive part" and evolved into the action of highlighting or emphasizing something as a notable part of a whole.