What is Manifest Destiny?
The belief that America's destiny was to settle all lands from the Atlantic to the Pacific
Abraham Lincoln
What event sparked the Civil War?
Fort Sumter
What is total war?
The implementation of all economic sectors to the war effort/targeting and destroying anything that can help the enemy's war effort
Who would assassinate Abraham Lincoln before he could begin the reconstruction process?
John Wilkes Booth
What was the outcome of the Missouri Compromise?
Missouri entered the Union as a slave state.
Maine entered the Union as a free state.
Slavery was banned north of the 36 30 latitude.
Why did William Lloyd Garrison and Fredrick Douglas create their newspapers (The Liberator and The North Star)?
To advocate against slavery/to advocate for abolition
What was the Confederate battle strategy during the Civil War?
Offensive Defense (defend and attack when possible)
What battle marked the turning point of the Civil War?
The Battle of Gettysburg
What was the difference between Presidential and Congressional Reconstruction?
Presidential Reconstruction was Lenient (had few steps for states to rejoin the Union) while Congressional Reconstruction was strict (had several steps for states to rejoin the Union).
What was the outcome of the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo?
The USA gained “all” of Texas to the Rio Grande River
Mexico gave up (ceded) territory in the Southwest, called the Mexican-Cession
5 years later, the U.S. bought the Gadsden Purchase for $ 10 million to build a southern railroad
What was Harriet Beecher Stowe's purpose for writing Uncle Tom's Cabin?
Depict Slavery as a Moral Evil
What tactics made up the Anaconda Plan?
Blockade the Confederate Coast
Control the Mississippi River
Invade South/Conquer Richmond
What battle marked the end of the Civil War?
Battle of Appomatix
What actions did President Johnson take that led to his impeachment?
Fired military generals that were appointed by Congress to oversee military zones, violating the Office of Tenure Act (President must have Congressional approval to remove certain appointed officials).
What was the Nullification Crisis?
VP John C Calhoun helped lead states to reject the federal tariff on foreign made goods since it would impact the Southern economy more than the North, threatening cession. President Jackson would fight this state's rights argument.
What was the Kansas Nebraska Act and what conflict did it lead to?
Kansas and Nebraska territories could vote (popular sovereignty) to institute slavery. Missouri residents crossed state lines to illegal vote and led to Bleeding Kansas.
What was the purpose of Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation after the Battle of Antietam? What was its purpose for the Union Army?
Freed all slaves in Confederate territories.
Britain and France would not support a country fighting for the use of slave labor.
What was the significance of General Grant's victory at Vicksburg?
What was the purpose of the Freedmen's Bureau?
Offer assistance to poor whites, Indians, and slaves by:
Provided emergency food, housing, medical supplies
Promised “40 acres & a mule”
Supervised labor contracts
Created new schools
Why did Mexican President Santa Anna view Americans in Texas as a threat?
Americans refused to accept Mexican laws:
They would not convert to Catholicism, would not accept a ban on slavery, wanted a voice in Mexican Government
What were the four components of the Compromise of 1850?
Banning of slave trade in Washington D.C.
California enters the Union as a free state.
Utah and New Mexico territories got to vote (popular sovereignty) on the institution of slavery.
Strengthening of Fugitive Slave Laws
How did Abraham Lincoln use "emergency powers" to protect "national security?"
Suspended habeas corpus (Laws requiring evidence before citizens can be jailed)
Closed down newspapers that did not support the war
How did Sherman's "March to the Sea" affect the Confederacy/Southern states?
Sherman would enact total war and destroy farms, plantations, factories, railroads, etc. that could be used to support the war effort. He would cripple southern railraods by destroying Atlanta (railroad terminus/hub).
What did the passage of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments do?
13th - abolished slavery
14th - protected rights/citizenship
15th - protect the right to vote