On Campus Courses
Off Campus Courses

How many credits can be taken in a semester without approval?

What is.... 16 credits


Can you take a course off campus after failing the course first on campus?

What is... Yes (but it is not recommended as the grade will not get replaced - only the credit will transfer).


What do you do if you want to change your degree program (major)?

What is... talk to your Academic Advisor first, and then fill out an Academic Change Form


How many credits can be taken under block tuition without increasing tuition price?

What is... 12-16 credits or up to 18 if the student has a minimum 3.0 GPA and has completed more than 28 credits at ERAU


How many credits do you need to graduate with a bachelor's degree?

What is... 120 credits or more (For example, Engineering degrees can go up to 129 credits)


How many times are you allowed to attempt a course?

What is... 3 times 


How many credits can I transfer in from off campus after enrolling at ERAU? 

What is... 12 credits


How do you declare a minor and when is the best time to do it?

What is... talk to your Academic Advisor first and then fill out an Academic Change Form. It is best to wait until sophomore year to declare a minor


What happens if you do not pay for your classes (or set up a payment plan and make your first payment) by the tuition due date?

What is... You might be dropped from your classes.


Do transfer credits prior to your first semester at ERAU count towards your maximum allowed transfer credits?

What is... no they do not count if they are transferred prior to your first semester at ERAU


A grade of ____ or better is considered passing for most classes.

What is... D


The last _____ credits of your degree must be taken at ERAU

What is... 30 credits 


How many credits are needed to complete a minor?

What is... minors are 15 credits or more


What is the difference between the Cashier's office and the Financial Aid office?

What is... The Cashier's office takes payments, while the Financial Aid office helps you make your payments through scholarships, loans, etc.


How do you request an official transcript from ERAU?

What is... Go to the Registrar's page on ERNIE under Departments and click on the tab called Transcripts


Do withdrawals/audits show on your transcript?

What is... Yes and yes


What form do you fill out to take a course outside of ERAU and where do you find it?

What is... Off-Campus Petition form located on ERNIE, Departments, Registrar, Prescott, under forms 


Do WorldWide courses count towards my major/minor?

What is... classes can count towards your major/minor with Advisor approval.

(To register, see ERNIE > Registrar > WW Course Registration)


When is tuition typically due?

What is...10 days before the start of classes


If I took a class at another university, do I need to send the transcript with my final grade to ERAU?

What is... yes, transcripts from other universities must be sent to ERAU Registrar's office in order to receive credit for the course


What is the difference between withdrawing from and auditing a course?

What is... Withdrawing no longer requires attendance and auditing requires that you still attend class with professor approval.


What grade do you need for a course taken outside of ERAU to transfer and does that grade factor into your ERAU GPA?

What is... a C or better and it does not factor into your ERAU GPA


What is grade forgiveness?

What is... students changing degree programs can get up to four course grades forgiven before starting classes within the new degree program.


What is Auxiliary Access and how do you set it up?

What is...a way to give a parent/guardian access to your student account and records.

To set up, go to Campus Solutions Student Homepage, Profile, Auxiliary Access.


When in doubt, who do I contact with questions about anything related to my degree?

What is... a CAM, your Academic Advisor, or anyone else from Student Support Services!
