Tutoring Resources
General Education
Academic Standing
Student Support Services

What resource is available to students taking math and where is it located?

The Math Lab. Located in Pray Harrold on the 4th floor. 


Who can I go to to talk about what classes I need to take for next semester?

Your academic advisor


How many general education credits do students typically need to take in total?

40 credits


What are the two factors in making Satisfactory Academic Progress or being in Good Academic Standing?

GPA and CCR (Course Completion Rate)


Where can a student go to get free groceries?

SWOOPS Food Pantry at Pierce Hall


What is a resource for students taking WRTG 121 or any class that focuses on writing?

The University Writing Center. 


What is a college prerequisite class?

Bonus point: Provide an exact example.

A class that you must take before taking another class. For example: To take MATH 104, a student must get a C in MATH 098


There are 6 LBC (learning beyond the classroom) categories. How many of those 6 categories must students fulfill before they can graduate?

2 out of the 6. UNIV101L3 counts as one, so everyone who passes this class only needs to complete one more LBC.


What cumulative GPA must a student maintain in order to be in good academic standing?

2.0 GPA


Where can a student go to get help with job application, resumes, cover letters, etc?

The Career Center (Located in room 200 in Mckenny Hall)


Where can a student go to get help with research or working on a project for a class?

The Academic Project center located on the first floor of the Halle Library between the men and women's bathrooms. This resource is drop-in and you do not need an appointment.


What two things must freshmen do before they can register for classes for next semester?

Complete mandatory Title IX training and meet with academic advising to get their PIN lifted


For the general education disciplines (Humanities, arts, natural sciences, social sciences) could you take, for example, BIO 110 and BIO 251 to complete your natural science credits?

No. You cannot use two classes with the same prefix (in this case the prefix is BIO) to fulfill a discipline. You could take BIO and a CHEM class, for example, to fulfill your science gen ed requirements but not two BIO classes.


What percentage of credits must a student pass in order to be in good academic standing? This is also known as CCR or Course Completion Rate. This is also the number necessary to be eligible for federal financial aid.


If a student's laptop breaks or they do not own a laptop, where could they go to rent a laptop for the semester?

The Holman Success Center (Located in the basement of Halle Library)


What resource is available to students taking gen ed classes such as BIO, CHEM, Psychology, Accounting

Drop-in tutoring with the holman success center.


What balance must your E-bill be at or below in order for you to be able to register for classes?

$500 or less


What tool can a student use to track if they are meeting all of their general education requirements?

The UG Degree audit


Are students immediately dismissed if they fall below the necessary GPA and Course Completion Rate?

No. If a student falls out of good academic standing, they are place on academic probation for the next semester. 


What free campus resource can a student use if they feel overwhelmed, stressed, struggling with their mental health, etc?

They can go to CAPS and talk to someone and get up to 12 free therapy sessions


What is the difference between drop-in tutoring and Supplemental Instruction?

Drop-in tutoring is general knowledge and skills about the subject. Supplemental instruction is tutoring that is catered to the specific section and instructor you are taking.


How many credits must a student complete in order to move from freshman standing to sophomore standing?

Students must complete 25 credits in order to be considered a sophomore 


Every student must take a writing intensive course for their Major. How can you tell which course is writing intensive?

The course will have a "W" at the end of it. For example: SWRK 315W


What GPA must a student achieve to get on the Dean's List?

3.5 GPA for the semester with a minimum of 10 credits


WHat resource can a student utilize if they are struggling with study planning, time management, and staying on top of all of their academic responsibilities?

They can meet with their Success Coach at the Holman Success Center 
