Where is the Student Health Center located?
Moffett Hall, lower level
How many Withdraws ("W's") do you get during your time at Radford University?
Where do you go to sign up for an advising appointment?
will give 100 points for email as some professors don't use starfish
You need a quiet place away from your roommate to study. Where is one of the best places you can go?
- McConnell Library (5th floor is silent!)
- Young Hall, first 2 floors
- reserve study rooms in Harvey Center
- Center for the Sciences
- Breakout rooms in Kyle Hall
- Hemphill Hall
True or False: It is free to ride the Radford Transit.
True-- as long as you have your student ID on you!
You want to apply for an on-campus job. Where can you go to apply?
What is the minimum GPA you need to obtain by the end of the semester in order to be eligible to return to RU in the fall?
At least a 1.5 GPA
What is an example of something that would place a "hold" on your account?
- unpaid parking ticket, did not turn in health forms, did not complete AlcoholEdu, unpaid tuition balance, etc.
You can't register for classes until the hold is taken care of! So, take care of them sooner than later.
What office can you print up to 10 pages a day for free in?
Center for Diversity and Inclusion
located in Heth Hall!
Printing can also be found in McConnell Library, 1st floor of Young Hall, 2nd floor of the Bonnie, and Peters Hall.
True or False: You do not need to meet with an academic advisor in order to register for classes.
FALSE! You have to meet with your advisor each semester in order to receive a PIN number and determine which courses you can take.
What office should you visit if you need professional clothing for an interview, job fair, etc?
The Center for Career and Talent Development
located in Russell Hall, 3rd floor
clothing is free!
What is the minimum GPA you need to obtain by the end of the semester in order to get off of academic probation and be in good academic standing?
At least a 2.0 GPA
Your body is a container. What does this mean, and why is it important to know?
- Radford is a dry campus
- age doesn't matter when it comes to this rule
- If you have alcohol in your system, that counts the same as having a bottle of alcohol on campus.
If you are having trouble with technology (your laptop, connecting to wifi, etc.), where should you go for help?
The IT Help Desk, located on the first floor of Walker Hall
Where is the counseling center and SAVES located?
Davis Hall
Suzie is right handed, and she just broke her right arm. Johnny is diagnosed with anxiety. Ellen has diabetes. In order to get help so their various situations don't effect their academic success, what office can all 3 of these students go to?
Center for Accessibilty Services (CAS)
Also, if you had an IEP or 504 plan in high school, CAS can definitely help you, too!
Not grade related - what year was Radford founded AND what was our number one program when founded?
1910 and teaching!
What is the Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)?
You can opt to sign off on the FERPA to give your parent or family member access to your financial, academic, and/or conduct information. Go to the Registrar's office to update this information.
How do you figure out what your GPA needs to be this semester to not be academically suspended?
GPA Calculator
Registrar Website
What is the popular myth about the Dalton Hall staircase?
That if you walk down the middle staircase you won't graduate on time!
This office can advocate for students and help them if they are going to be out of class for an extended amount of time due to extenuating circumstances such as illness (including COVID-19), death in the family, or surgery.
Dean of Students
located in Heth Hall, 3rd floor
What is a "repeat," and how many of these do you get during your time at RU?
- 3
- You can repeat a class you previously failed or did not get the grade you needed. The new grade will then replace the old grade! Keep in mind-- the most recent grade will replace the old grade, NOT the better of the two.
What is the amnesty policy?
The amnesty policy helps protects students IF they are seeking help for themselves or others while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.
If you or someone you know is dealing with sexual/dating violence and/or substance abuse concerns, which office can help?
- SAVES (Substance Abuse and Violence Education Support)
- Student Counseling Services (now offering Let's Talk, a program providing easy access to informal confidential consultations with counselors from SCS. Walk-in hours at multiple sites around campus all week. There is no appointment necessary, not formal counseling - more a drop-in service where students can have an informal consultation with a counselor from time to time
How do you format a proper email? (we're looking for 5 parts!)
- subject in subject line
- greeting (Hello, Good afternoon, etc.)
- introduction (name, class, section/time)
- body (details, what do you need?)
- closing (thanking them for their time, etc.)
- signature (at least full name, major, and expected graduation. Can include involvements as well)