Models of Solar System
Structure of the Universe
The model of the solar system that the sun revolves around the Earth.
What is Geocentric model.
Kepler's first law states that this shape is the orbit of planets around the sun
What is the orbit of a planet or other body around the sun is an ellipse?
This is responsible for holding the stars, gas, and dust together in the galaxy.
What is gravity
Saturn's density is 0.687 g/cm3 (liquid water is 1.000 g/cm3). Based on this, Saturn is mostly made of this.
What are Gases?
This is the term used to describe a group of billions of stars.
What is a galaxy?
Kepler determined the motion of the planets in our solar system in his 3 laws. How do the planets move in our solar system and what do they revolve around?
What are elliptical orbits around the sun?
If the Sun's gravity was suddenly halted, what path would the Earth take?
What is it would head out in a straight path into the depths of space?
What two things effect gravity
What is mass and distance
This property of the gas giants accounts for having more moons.
What is a greater mass and thus have a greater gravitational force?
List the following objects in space in order from largest to smallest: solar system, planet, galaxy, universe.
What is universe, galaxy, solar system, planet?
Copernicus challenged the way people thought about the solar system. How did Copernicus describe the motion of the sun?
What is the sun does not move, and the Earth revolves around the sun.
Kepler's Third law states that a planet's ___________ from the sun is related to the period of it's revolution?
What is a planets DISTANCE from the sun is related to the period of its revolution?
Which planet slowest and why?
What is Neptune, because it's the furthest from the Sun's gravitational pull.
The inner planets have this type of surface?
What is solid?
Name the color of the hottest star.
What is blue?
According to the heliocentric model, what is in the center of our solar system?
What is the sun
Newton stated that ______ is what it is called when an object keeps moving with the same speed and direction (objects in motion stay in motion)
What is inertia?
A planet's surface gravity influences the thickness of the atmosphere that surrounds the planet. Here are the surface gravities compared to Earth: Earth 100%, Venus 89%, Mars 37%, and Mercury 38%. Based on surface gravities, name the two terrestrial planets that have the thickest atmosphere.
What is Earth and Venus?
Earth's temperature ranges from -89 to 58 degrees Celcius. How do the temperatures on Neptune compare to Earth's temperature?
What is much colder?
This term is used to describe a star that has several smaller bodies orbiting it.
What is a solar system?
Galileo showed that the Earth was not the center of the solar system using this instrument
What is a telescope to see four moons of Jupiter and the phases of Venus
Which of Kepler's laws state that planets move faster closer to the sun (perihelion) and slower when farther from the sun (aphelion)?
What is Kepler's second law.
Mercury's year is 88 days long, about 1/4 as long as a year on Earth. Why is Mercury's year is so short.
What is Mercury's orbit is the shortest and closest to the Sun's gravity?
How has Jupiter helped us to sustain life on Earth?
What is Jupiter's large mass has a very strong gravitational pull which has deflected asteroids and meteors from Earth.
If a star has similar sizes and surface temperatures as our sun, we can conclude this about that star.
What is that the star is a medium sized like the sun.