Solar Eclipse
Solar System
Things in Space

Did Tennessee get full totality on the eclipse.
Estimate how much percent of totality did we get out of a 100

No, we got 98%


How many planets are there In our solar system including the dwarf planets?



What is in space?

*Name at least 5 things*

Asteroids, Meteorites, Comets, Space Trash, Planets,Stars


Where was the first place for the eclipse to start?

Mazatlán, Mexico


What is a Solar Flare?

 A solar flare or giant explosions on the sun that send energy, light, and a high-speed particles from space. These flares are often associated with magnetic storms known as Coronal Mass Objections (CMES).


What are comets?

Comets are ice balls floating in space. Usually a comets never makes it to the earths surface because they burn up in the earths atmosphere.


What causes an Eclipse to occur?

Eclipses occur due to the special coincidence of the Moon and the Sun being the same angular size. The Sun is approximately 400 times wider than the Moon, but it is also approximately 400 times farther away, so they appear to be the same size in our sky. This is what allows the Moon to completely block the Sun during total solar eclipses.


Is there any other place in the solar system with water except the Earth?

Yes, Jupiter moon Europa has water under its icy crust.


What are astreoids?

Asteroids are small, rocky objects that orbit the Sun. Although asteroids orbit the Sun like planets, they are much smaller than planets. Asteroids are small, rocky objects that orbit the sun.


When is the next solar eclipse and where?

It will visible over Greenland, Iceland, Spain, Russia and a small area of Portugal.The next eclipses is August 12, 2026 


How hot is the sun?

The sun is 10,000 Fahrenheit, which is approximately 5600 Celsius.


Name an asteroid

4 Vesta
101955 Bennu
5408 Thé
99942 Apophis
433 Eros
16 Psyche
25143 Itokaw

 How long will the 2024 total solar eclipse last and where?

The longest duration of totality is 4 minutes, 28 seconds, near Torreón, Mexico. Most places along the centerline (path of totality) will see a totality duration between 3.5 and 4 minutes.


What planets have a vortex.

Venus, Jupiter, Uranus, and Saturn all have vortex. Fun fact :Saturn moon titan has a vortex.


What is the difference between meteors meteorites and meteoroids?

Meteoroids: These rocks still are in space. Meteoroids range in size from dust grains to small asteroids. 

Meteors: When meteoroids enter Earth’s atmosphere (or that of another planet, like Mars) at high speed and burn up, the fireballs or “shooting stars” are called meteors.

Meteorites: When a meteoroid survives a trip through the atmosphere and hits the ground, it’s called a meteorite.
