Shows substance's solubility
What is water?
What is you need better equipment and the lab makes room for human error
Lab protection gear
What are gloves and goggles
What is the use of science to solve crimes?
This is what the appearance of substances shows
What are external, qualitative observations?
Limitations of qualitative tests
What is the fact that it's a screening test that doesn't provide a positive identification?
You put substances on this before heating them
This was the first teacher of this class
Who was Ms. Schmidt?
This turns a substance orange, black or yellow
What is lugol's solution?
Can't be used to prove a case against someone
What is a qualitative test?
You shake the sample substance during this test?
What is the addition of water?
This type of creature has a medullary ratio of less than one third
What is a human?
5 tests to identify a substance
What is addition of acetic acid, hot plate results, addition of water, addition of sodium carbonate and addition of lugol's solution?
Other tests that can be used to further prove a person's guilt/innocence
What are gas chromatography, liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry?
You do not dispose of your previous step's samples before the addition of this substance
What is Sodium Carbonate?
This is the average blowfly lengthspan
What is three weeks?
This substance was found in a student's locker as a joke
What is table salt??
This is how long you would spend in prison if you were found with a strong narcotic (first offense)
5 to 10 years
This is the average salary of a forensics scientist
What is $56,750