Student Progress
Campus Policies

What is the minimum passing grade for any course at the UNM PA Program and what happens if you do not achieve that score in a course? 

75% is the minimum passing grade for any course at the UNM PA program.  If you do not get a 75% you can not move forward in the curriculum and you will be referred to PA-CSPE to determine the next steps that may include (but are not limited to): restarting the PA program, repeating the course, dismissal from the PA program. 


What is the professional code that all students and faculty are expected to adhere to?

AAPA code of Ethics


How many phases are there at the UNM PA Program?

2 Phases of Curriculum: 

Phase  1: Didactic 

Phase 2: Clinical 


Is smoking/vaping permitted anywhere on campus?

No, UNM is a Tobacco-Free campus


What is considered a late arrival? What are the consequences of late arrival?

  • >5 minutes late

  • >15 minutes will be considered an absence

  • Multiple late arrivals will result in a referral to CC for professionalism 


What are 3 criteria for being placed on Probation?

  1. Receiving ≥6 credits in which the student received a course grade of “C” (this includes a C+)

  2. A cumulative GPA <3.0

  3. Professionalism violations


Discussion about exams with classmates or non-PA Program Faculty is a violation of what policy?

Academic Honesty


What are 3 components of the UNM PA program test taking policy?

See Test-Taking Academic Policy Section


Who should you contact if you have concerns of discrimination, harassment, or violence?

Lobo RESPECT Advocacy Center or HSC Learning Environment Office (LEO)


What computer can I use for test taking?

You are required to use a laptop that meets the UNM PA program tech guidelines.


What are the 2 committees that determine the promotion of students through the UNM PA program?

  1. PA Curriculum Committee

  1. PA Committee for Student Promotion and Evaluation (PA-CSPE)


What are the hours that you are expected to be in class?

8-5, Monday-Friday


Who is the contact for each portion of the PA school curriculum?

  1. Phase 1: Academic Coordinator: Micah Shaw

  2. Phase 2: Clinical Coordinator: Johnelle Montoya and Samantha Baca


If a student feels that another person on or off campus is treating the student inappropriately who should be contacted?

Promptly Contact

  • The Academic Coordinator (didactic year)

  • The Clinical Coordinator (clinical year)

  • Your UMP PA Program Advisor 

  • UNM PA Program Director, Laura Wylie


How many seconds per question do you get on tests?

Year 1: 90 Seconds Per Question

2nd Fall Semester: 75 Seconds Per Question

SCPE Year: 60 Seconds Per Question


What is the name of the team that provides additional academic and profession support for students?

Integrated Professional and Academic Student Support (IPASS)


What policy should you review before posting anything on social media about the UNM PA program or SOM?


Where can you find the topics that will be tested for the Physician Assistant board certification exam?


What is the text system that alerts students, faculty, and staff of safety and weather alerts?

Lobo Alerts


If as student is arrested or charged with any violation of the law, who should the student contact? 

The Student must report the arrest or charge in writing to the PA Program Director (or designee) within 2 business days of the arrest or charge. 


Name 2 criteria that would cause a student to be referred to the Curriculum Committee for remediation?

  1. Failure of a course

  2. FSE grade of Conditional Pass or Fail

  3. More than 1 absence in a SCPE

  4. Professionalism violation

  5. COncerns about medical knowledge, professionalism, or other competencies brought to the attention of the PA faculty 

  6. Knowledge, behavioral, or professional concerns

  7. Cumulative GPA <3.00


How many hours per semester are you allowed to miss of PA specific classes?

10 hours

A PA Didactic Absence Form must be submitted if you are miss class. 


Where is all the information that you need to know about any given course located?

In the Course Syllabus


Are PA faculty able to serve as a healthcare provider or to provide medical advice for PA students while enrolled at the UNM PA Program?

Unfortunately, No.  (Except in emergency situations)


What is the mission of the UNM PA Program?

To educate PA students to become exemplary providers with a focus on primary care medicine for the underserved and rural population of New Mexico.
