This is the number of steps in Untangling Relationships
What are 12 steps
A pattern of negative behaviors that develop because of involvement with someone.
What is codependency?
Engaging in positive, helpful behaviors..
What are pro-social behaviors?
This is super important in Chapter 1 and is required for self-awareness, as described in Chapter 1.
What is honesty
This develops over time as we do things that we don't really want to do and usually believe to be wrong
What is the false-self.
This is a saying about not missing any spaces
What is every line every time?
The person that you can change
What is yourself?
Engaging in negative behaviors that can be considered criminal.
What is anti-social behaviors.
One of the two behaviors of codependence that are described in Chapter 2.
giving the "silent treatment," "constant arguments,"
The part of yourself that has given you hints about what you need to be happy in life.
What is your true self or inner-self?
The model that is used in this curriculum identified on the first page of the book
What is the MRT curriculum?
When asked to draw a picture what is not allowed in the box?
What is no words
The amount of things that you need to describe your wants, desires, needs, wishes, personal goals, and activities that you have been giving up.
What is 3-5 things?
Resentments can lead to this.
What are unhealthy behaviors?
Many codependent relationships in our lives are attempts to control what?
An uncontrollable situation.
The rule of confidentiality in this group
What is said in the group stays in the group?
What develops when people don't discuss and solve the real problems they have with each other?
What are resentments?
Another word for giving up as described in chapter one.
What is sacrificing?
The most common reason we self-sacrifice things that are important to us, described in Chapter 2.
What is a lack of trust...
E.g., doesn't trust
In Chapter 3, how many things do you identify as worrying about?
What are three things you believe you control in your life?
Codependency results from the ___________ of relationships.
What is "process".
The simplest and most accurate definition of codependency is this...
What is an unhealthy pattern of behaviors that develops because of a relationship?
Many professionals believe that codependence is a type of ______________where one person gives in to the wishes of another.
What is "self-sacrifice"
In chapter 8 how many situations do your identify that you want in life (desire)?
What is five things
In Chapter 9 how many goals do you need to make
What is five?