The full name of the man who discovered walking corpse syndrome.
What is Jules Cotard?
What is DNA mutations and brain lesions?
percentage of the general population that have mirror-touch syndrome.
What is 1.6%?
Explain alien hand syndrome.
What is a condition where an individual loses control of a limb?
Explain body integrity identity disorder.
What is a condition that causes people to feel like one of their body parts doesn't belong to them?
Name one possible condition that causes walking corpse syndrome.
What is migraines, epilepsy, and brain injuries?
Explain what acquired face blindness is.
What is face blindness that's developed because of brain lesions?
Explain what mirror-touch synesthesia is.
What is a condition where an individual can feel touch sensations when watching others experience it?
Name one treatment used to manage alien hand syndrome.
What is therapy and medication?
The exact number of people with body integrity identity disorder is unknown because of this.
What is individuals with this disorder tend to hide their symptoms?
The most commonly diagnosed age group.
What is middle-aged and older?
Explain what associative face blindness is.
What is when an individual is unable to recognize faces?
What is there is no cure?
Not so fun fact about alien hand syndrome
What is reported cases involving people being choked by their own hand?
Body integrity identity disorder is dangerous because of this.
What is people may feel the need to self-amputate?
The main characteristic of walking corpse syndrome.
What is the belief that one is either dead or does not exist?
Congenital face blindness affects this many people in the U.S.
What is 1 in 33 people?
A region of the brain that may have something to do with the development of mirror-touch synesthesia.
What is mirror neurons/somatosensory cortex/anterior insula?
Name three causes for this condition.
What is brain tumors/neurosurgeries/Alzheimer's disease/strokes?
Name three body parts that may be affected.
What is eyes/limbs/teeth/ears?
SSRIs are the abbreviation for this medication.
What is selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors?
Acquired face blindness affects this many people in the U.S.
The abbreviation CBT stands for this.
What is cognitive behavioral therapy?
This is how rare alien hand syndrome is.
What is only a few documented cases worldwide?
Treatments for body integrity identity disorder include this.
What is virtual reality/CBT/medications/use of wheelchairs and crutches?