Connor takes this type of job at the Graveyard
What is a mechanic?
This is Risa's new dream job
What is an army medic?
Lev gets chosen for this job in the Graveyard
What is a pipeline job?
The state (like out of the 50 states) that The Graveyard is located in
What is Arizona?
The name of the pilot in the Graveyard
Who is Cleaver?
This person approaches Connor and Roland when Connor is interrogating him in the secret location
Who is Hayden?
Risa says there are two types of people who become Juvey-cops. Type one: bullies who want to spend their lives reliving their glory days of high school bullying. This is type two.
Lev talks to these three people about being the "movers and shakers" of the Graveyard
Who are Mai, Blaine, and Cleaver?
The Admiral's 10 rules are known as this
This person is Cleaver's assistant
Who is Roland?
Connor punches this person in the eye at the Graveyard
Who is Lev?
Risa describes the Admiral's lips as this when he's attacked and injured
What is cyanotic?
This is the name of the girl who Lev met in Colorado (who told him to go to the specific spot in the Graveyard)
Who is Julie-Ann?
Every new unwind arrival is required to face this upon arrival at The Graveyard
What is a tribunal? (three seventeen-year-olds sitting behind a desk in the gutted shell of a wide-bodied jet)
Starboard is from this state home
What is Florida StaHo 18?
Connor takes Roland here to interrogate him
Where is Crate 2933?
Risa tells Connor that the Admiral is suffering from this (when the unwind mob attacks him)
What is a heart attack?
This is Lev's "destination" in the Graveyard (as told to him by a girl he had encountered a few weeks before)
Where is Aisle Thirty, Space Twelve?
This is the name of the Admiral's elite group of five: the two boys (Kevin and Raul) and the girl (Melinda) plus Amp and Jeeves (who Risa met when she first stepped off the plane)
Who are the Goldens?
The dynamic between Emby and the Admiral
What is son and father?
This is the number of the crate that Connor, Diego, Hayden, and Emby has occupied during their transit to the Graveyard
What is Crate 2933?
Risa brings this item to the jet when she responds to the Admiral's request
What is aspirin?
Lev tells the other unwinds at the Graveyard that his parents signed the order to have him unwound after he was arrested for this.
What is armed robbery?
This is the exact number of unwinds in the Graveyard
What is 423 kids?
Emby represents this significant figure in Unwind history (as he received a lung from this person)
Who is Harlan "Humphrey" Dunfee?