This is an example of a commonly used query language for structured data
What is SQL?
Known for its simplicity, this sorting algorithm has a best-case time complexity of O(n) and a worst-case of O(n^2).
What is bubble sort?
This is the protocol that loads webpages on the internet.
What is HTTP?
This is a method of copying a repository into your account on GitHub.
What is forking?
This is the number of bytes used to store a character (in ASCII, e.g.) typically.
What is 1 byte?
This type of memory is used to store data temporarily while a program is running. *MAAAAA*
What is RAM (Random Access Memory)?
This measure of time complexity is a measurement of the lower bound on the runtime of a program
What is big Omega
This is what CSS stands for.
What is Cascading Style Sheets?
This is the default branch name for new Git repositories as of Git version 2.28.
What is main?
In languages like C or C++, this type is used to store the address of another variable, enabling direct memory access.
What is a pointer?
This is the probability of an event occurring given that another event has already occurred, unlike our love.
What is conditional probability?
This divide-and-conquer sorting algorithm has a worst-case time complexity of O(n^2), but is more efficient than merge sort in practice due to better cache performance.
What is quicksort?
This HTML tag is used to create hyperlinks between web pages.
What is the anchor tag?
This is the term for a temporary, uncommitted change in your working directory.
What is a stash?
This type of class includes only method headers
What is an interface?
These are the circuits that carry data from one area to another.
What are buses?
This is what we call algorithms that can't be solved in polynomial time.
What is NP-hard/complete?
What is React?
This is a web-based platform for version control that shares its name with a pail.
What is BitBucket?
This is a feature of some languages where the type of a variable can change during runtime, such as in Python or JavaScript.
What is dynamic typing?
This technique in statistics is used to reduce the dimensions of a dataset by projecting it into a lower-dimensional space, often used for feature reduction.
What is PCA (principle component analysis)?
Generally considered one of the most efficient data structures, this structure has an average insertion, lookup, and deletion time of O(1)
What is a hash table?
This three word design architecture is often used to connect the logic in a full stack application
What is the model-view-controller architecture?
This command is used to display commit history of a repository.
What is git log?
Often used in C, this is what could be called a compound datatype
What is a struct?