This system is used by our team to collect data, determine monitoring activities, and support LEAs with program improvement.
What is the UPIPS program?
Audio or visual communication meets the needs of families on the go, families with little or no literacy skills, or families with visible and non-visible disabilities.
What is an accessible way to get information to families?
LEAs are required to have this local board-approved manual on file with the USBE SES. This manual must outline the specific learning disabilities (SLD) method the LEA is using.
What is a special education policies and procedures manual?
Annual Performance Report (APR) indicators specific to preschool.
What are Indicators 6, 7, and 12?
Free appropropriate public educaiton (FAPE), postsecondary transition, specially designed instruction, and parent involvement.
What doe the team look for on residential treatment center (RTC) certification monitoring visits?
This person meets with the LEA prior to the visit, arranges the schedule, and emails the details of the visit to the specialists involved.
Who is the monitoring visit lead?
Scheduling a meeting ahead of time based on the parent’s availability and making sure there is a translator available for the IEP meeting.
What are two strategies to include parent voice in the IEP process?
Deer, Tiger, Bears, and Turtles galore!
What are the spirit animals of the UPIPS team?
The early learning (1C) in USBE’s strategic plan.
What is to increase optional access to high-quality preschool?
California and Illinois.
Interviews, observations, focus groups, and file reviews.
What are activities of a full monitoring visit?
This anonymous parent engagement survey asks questions relating to a parent or guardian's experience when going through the special education process with their school.
What is the indicator 8 survey?
This is intended to support an LEA in the development and implementation of an ongoing comprehensive multi-year improvement plan.
What is a program improvement plan or PIP?
The two preschool-related transitions LEAs participate in.
What are early intervention to preschool (or Part C to Part B) and preschool to kindergarten transitions?
Utah Admin. Rule R277-926.
What is the Residential Treatment Center (RTC) Certification Rule?
Twenty-six local education agencies (LEAs) per year.
On average, how many LEAs does the UPIPS team monitor each year for full monitoring?
Focusing on relationship building comes before academic discussions.
What is the Parent Teacher Home Visit Model?
Underground parking, freight elevator, and one-weekly hot lunch option.
What are things that USBE used to have?
This system is used to measure preschool outcomes.
What is Utah’s Preschool Outcome Data (UPOD)?
Two Years
How long does a Residential Treatement Center (RTC) Certification last?
Amount of time since the previous monitoring visit, APR data, hotline complaints, dispute resolution, and other concerns.
How does the team determine which local education agencies (LEAs) to monitor?
A student's parent is the primary person responsible for the education of the student, and the State is in a secondary and supportive role to the parent.
What is Utah Code Section 53G-6-803?
Webcam vs HDMI adapter.
What is an office supply order versus an IT order?
The system used to track preschool transitions.
What is Transition from Early Intervention Data Input System (TEDI)?
Residential treatment centers have six weeks from the visit to complete these.
What are corrections?